Definitely not knitting weather, though not as hot as in other parts of the country just now, but all I can think of and all I want to knit is wintery stuff. Super warm wintery stuff.

Our bougainville doesn't seem to be suffering from the heat.
For now I am playing with swatches and it may be a while before I cast on for a project so it’s OK. No big bundles of wool sitting on my lap to make me wish I were somewhere in the Alps or whereabouts. In lieu of such bundles, Kelvin or Pipie, who have been strangely non-interactive during Ben’s absence and once installed on my lap would simply not move. At one point last night Pipie turned around in his sleep and almost fell off my legs. Result: several claws dug into my left leg to balance himself. You’ll be relieved to know that he didn’t fall and I had non-expired Neosporin at hand. Life is good.
This past weekend I posted on a testing group on Ravelry (a more laid back group than the one I used for Riva) and test knits for Nebbia are starting today. I am hoping to solve a pesky issue with two rounds of the main repeat which I adapted for knitting in the round from a stitch meant for flat knitting. A weird thing happens on two of the rounds where even though the stitch count is correct, the stitches are offset by one so I had to compensate with a M1 at the beginning and a k2tog at the end of a round and something else four round later. This is the main reason I knitted the hat three times, because no matter how much I tried to pay attention the second time, I kept compensating and not taking good notes during knitting.
This is a shot of hat #3 one very hot late afternoon when I was trying to make it look like fall weather. Yeah, right.

Nebbia v.3
Remember Fragile Heart? Nicole finished it and even made some modifications that worked out very well. I love the yarn/color combination she used. I was too chicken to knit mine with the Kidsilk Haze I had available, and now wish I had.
Stay cool this week, wherever you are.
Posted by Francesca