
Piadina romagnola

Piadina romagnola

Hey, thanks for the comments and emails. :) While the knitting languishes in a dark corner, I am trying to figure out where to put my energies next, ’cause by the way my jeans don’t fit anymore it’s clear that I need to do at least

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something that does not involve food. In January I tried 16 new recipes; in February 17. This can’t go on, though Ben is not complaining. YET. Maybe he will when his jeans stop fitting.

Piadina e coppa

Piadina e coppa

Someone suggested I revive an old idea that I explored briefly in my old food blog (tantarobina) — teaching a

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little bit of Italian. I remember that preparing those few posts took a lot of time and planning, but I did enjoy it. I am not sure if I would have an audience… are there really that many people trying to learn Italian? Most people I know are more interested in Spanish, but then this is California and that makes a lot of sense.

Piadina romagnola

Let's not count the calories, shall we?

I think my dough is ready to be rolled. Making my very first piadina today. We’ll see how that goes. ___ My piadina was not perfect, but definitely edible. In fact, we consumed most of

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it. Buon appetito!

Orangettes + reflections

Today is an anniversary of sorts: 19 years since I moved from Italy and the beginning of what promises to be another full year in Los Angeles. There are so many great things about living in Southern California, but I can’t shake the sense of loss at having been away for so long from the environment that shaped me. Every year on this day I reflect on my situation and it’s always a bittersweet affair.

To go with the event I made orangettes, candied orange peels dipped in chocolate (bittersweet of course) from a recipe at The Italian Dish.


My first orangettes

Oggi sono 19 anni che vivo in California e da come buttano le cose arriverò senzaltro a venti. Vivere qui presenta molti lati positivi ma non riesco a scuotermi di dosso il senso di perdita che provo quasi giornalmente per il semplice fatto che manco dai luoghi in cui sono cresciuta. Ogni anno, il 31 marzo è un giorno di riflessione ed è sempre una cosa dolce-amara.

Per l’occasione ho fatto delle scorzette di arancia candita al cioccolato (amaro naturalmente) da una ricetta sul blog The Italian Dish.

It was more work than I had bargained for, but so worth it. We’ve already tried the orangettes and they lived up to expectations. In between things I squeezed in an apple–yogurt cake so this will be a super-carb day.

Ci ho messo più tempo del previsto ma ne è valsa la pena. Abbiamo già provato le orangettes e si sono mostrate all’altezza della situazione. Fra una cosa e l’altra ho anche fatto una torta veloce alle mele e yogurt così oggi sarà una giornata ai carboidrati.

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