Social again

Yesterday an invite to Google+ dropped in my email box and I got sucked right in. Thanks Andrea! After multi-quitting my social apps last year and making a slow comeback on Ravelry and restarting the blog, I still kept off Facebook like the plague. Now with Google+ I hope to set up a better system. I can tell already that I like it much better than Facebook; the circles alone are worth the switch. Let’s see… I already have a whopping five people in my circles and sent out invites to four more; Lady Gaga’s got nothing on me.

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To populate my account a bit I posted a few photos. Here’s what we did one night this week to celebrate Ben’s big birthday: Scuola di Pizza! It was a great treat for one evening to be at Mozza’s Scuola di Pizza for a demo on how to make pizza and a bit of hands on in shaping the dough. At the end our chef prepared ten different kinds of pizza and we all got to try each one. It was fabulous. I am hoping we can take the pasta class together at some point.

Going to the dark side

Japanese crochet books

Who would have thought?

After decades of ignoring anything crochet, two days ago I found myself at Kinokuniya in Little Tokyo (these things just happen to me) where a seriously depleted knitting shelf (emphasis on the singular) forced me to look around the other craft shelves and against my better judgement I picked up two crochet books.

Before the crochet crowd starts throwing rocks at me, let me explain that by “against my better judgement” I mean nothing disparaging regarding crochet, only that if you decide to learn a new skill, getting your trainer books in Japanese is not the sanest option.

In my defense I can say that my judgement had been impaired by a convergence of brain-draining factors:

— Constant construction work around the house for several weeks this time, with at least two weeks of sawing, cutting, rotating blades ablaze, dust and noise at record levels.

— A sudden spike in errands and things that needed to be done now, including medical and dental stuff. After yesterday’s radioactive pill I am positively glowing.

— A five-day-long smell attack on our house that made the place stink like a body farm in a bad CSI show. We suspect a rather large animal died under the house (we are on a slope and such spaces abound) and with temperatures in the 90s until two days ago… you get the picture. Well, finally the decomp smell subsided and we were enjoying an evening of TV and reading when a skunk decided to restore our olfactory environment to Code Red.

Tile cutting station

Tile cutting station conveniently located under my office window.

As you can see, it’s not that I am going gaga; I had objective reasons for not being at my best when I set foot in that Kinokuniya store.

Tile surgery

Tile surgery

But back to crochet. In case you wonder why I never had the urge before, the main reason is that to me the process of crocheting “hardens” the yarn. If the same yarn is used to knit or crochet, the knitted item will be softer and nicer to touch, and warmer to wear. As a result, until now the only crocheted items I liked were straw/rafia/cord bags and hats. On top of that, I never cared for the granny square look. Then a couple of weeks ago I happened to come across the photo of a shawl crocheted with Kidsilk Haze that looked as soft and fluffy as any knitted shawl. Time to revise my opinion of crochet, me thinks.

Any good crochet tutorial in English or Italian that you know of?
I get the gist of the individual Japanese symbols since I can look them up, but run into problems of interpretation when it comes to putting them together.

Any tips from the pros?

The “K” files

A bit of reorganization chez Fluffbuff (or should I say chez Slow Knits since I started to use that name?).

Knitting binders

The old binders

My old binders finally got labels on the spine.
new binders

The new binders

And new binders found a spot on a different shelf. Yes, they look exactly like the old binders, just a splash of yellow for a change. For once, Staples was stocking the same product when I went back for more, unlike the plastic containers I’ve been using for my yarn. As soon as I got a good supply of stackable transparent containers, they discontinued the line.
Understanding Japanese patterns

Understanding Japanese patterns

This time I found some dividers with repositionable tabs that come in non-offensive colors. Yes, yes, I’m picky.
Dividers for the Technique binder

Modular dividers

Yellow makes me happy. Wish they’d had those yellow binders a couple of years ago when I started my collection. The dividers aren’t entirely visible in the binders because all my print-outs are inside sheet protectors that come out almost as far as the tabs, but they are still useful when leafing through the pages. How do you store your print-outs? Or do you keep mostly digital files? I am all for saving trees, but find it a lot easier to read on paper.

How to shoot a hat

… in 27 easy steps.

  1. Knit hat.
  2. Wash hat.
  3. Resist urge to photograph hat while damp.
  4. Look for a sunny spot in the house.
  5. Give up finding a sunny spot in the house.
  6. Get white whitish sheet of paper.
  7. Arrange sheet of paper so that half lies on a flat surface and half leans against a somewhat stable vertical surface.
  8. Remove cat from paper.
  9. Secure sheet of paper so it stops sliding.
  10. Spray cat with squirt bottle.
  11. Position hat on paper as artistically as possible so it doesn’t suck.
  12. Spray the other cat.
  13. Reposition hat.
  14. Talk to cats in Italian.
  15. Go into the other room to get a lint roller.
  16. Remove cat hair from paper and reposition hat.
  17. Put extra food in the kitty dish.
  18. Set white balance and take first picture. Blurry.
  19. Chase cats out of the room and vow never to buy a house with an open plan again.
  20. Take second picture with one hand while keeping cat #1 at bay. Super Blurry.
  21. Spray both cats.
  22. Ask Ben if he can take the cats into his office.
  23. Give up on Ben since he’s coding and can’t parse human language.
  24. Rearrange hat on paper and try to take third picture.
  25. Explain to cat that you need to take at least a few pictures without feline body parts in or around the hat.
  26. Acknowledge the limitations of the human condition.
  27. Shoot whatever pictures you can.
Kelvin and gray hat


House of Gray

gray hat

Pretty much a life size swatch

Frantic knitting over the past three days after I hit on a stitch/yarn/color combo I like and decided to knit a hat and scarf based on it. The hat did not come out the way I wanted from the shaping and size point of view, so this amounts to a giant swatch. The main problem is that I have no idea about how to decrease and I sort of improvised as I went. Now I have to figure out the math of decreasing and, even harder, see if I can decrease in pattern. Then I’ll have to knit another hat and find a name for the pattern. This naming thing is starting to stress me.

On a happier note, on Friday I met with Lydia, a fellow blogger from Seattle that I’ve known off an on since the days of my old blog. Meeting in person was a lot of fun and I hope to see her again when I travel up north in a couple of months.

And if, like me, you couldn’t attend Woolfest, head over to Knitsofacto to check out some magnificent sheep. While you are there, look around the archives for historical musing on Welsh knitters, thoughts on photography, and more.

A bit of OCD

I may have a mild form of OCD. Why else would I have spent half an hour replacing all the pins on my swatchboard to make them color-compatible with the swatches they are securing? Results of the operation: a) a happier me b) a shortage of

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white, yellow, and blue pins c) an excess of green pins (free to a good home)

Blueprint swatch

Matching pins

Yellow pins



Most of my day is spent in a room that serves as office, craft room, storage, playground, communication center, kitty bedroom, and the list

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goes on. On the wall to my right is a large linen board that for many years displayed photos, postcards, Japanese stickers, and the occasional odd thing.

swatch board

From memory display to swatch board

Last night I took down most of the items on display and converted two thirds of the board into a design prop, more precisely a swatchboard. We’ll see how it evolves over the next few days. Some of the old photo prints from trips to Italy with Ben are still up: a view of the roof tops in Faenza, a garden in Venice, Ponte Vecchio in Florence, the hills around Chiusi (Siena), the Via degli Asini (donkeys’ road) in Brisighella… One photo I remember with particular fondness is the view of a bank in Faenza with a sign that reads “Rolo Banca 1473”. This was Ben’s first trip to Italy and he asked me what the “1473” next to the bank name meant, since it couldn’t be the street number. When I told him it was probably the year the bank was established, his comment was “your banks are older than my country”. As it turns out, I am not sure that particular bank was established in 1473 but Il Monte dei Paschi di Siena was indeed established in 1472 and is the oldest surviving bank in the world, so it is entirely possible. But I digress. Seeing all my swatches up on the wall is going to help me stay focused on the project at hand — something I am having a hard time doing recently. The other thing I am planning

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to do is keep better notes about my knitting. If you have any suggestions on how to achieve that, fire away. My notebook is a mess.

This & that

If you live in New Zealand and are looking for a canine companion (Gaby, this is for you), head over to doggelganger to find your match. You can upload a photo or have a snapshot taken by a webcam on the site. Doggelganger will match your facial features to their database of puppies/dogs for adoption. I love it when a good thing is also fun. I know, I don’t live in NZ and we are not ready for a dog yet, but it was fun.


Doggelganger matching my face to the NZ puppy database


My canine match is a 6-month puppy named Max.

No knitting news of note because I’ve been derailed by the new round of construction around the house which this time involves considerable legwork to choose and buy materials. I’ve been swatching a little in the evenings and coordinating a bit of testing with my lovely helpers. The only intensive thing going on at the moment is my new found interest in the Japanese language. This time my goals are less lofty — I am never going to learn to actually speak Japanese unless I find a way to be exposed to it daily — and a lot more practical. I am looking at all my Japanese knitting books to get a hang of how Japanese patterns work and slowly compiling my own Japanese-English knitting dictionary with the help of books, various online glossaries and tutorials, and the wonderful Japanese Knitting and Crochet group on Ravelry. Why? Hm, I don’t have a good answer. Japanese is one of the constants in my life, like knitting. I may abandon it for a year or two, but it always comes back. As a way of practicing what I am learning, I am starting to translate my PIP into Japanese. OK, not really translate; “labeling” might be a more accurate term. I am also trying to condense the pattern and looking at how the Japanese do it. There’s a lot to be learned there. My next patterns are not, repeat not, going to be as long as the first one. And just so you don’t feel like you’ve wasted your time looking at cute puppies, I leave you with something useful.

  • 目 = stitch
  • 段 = row

If this wets your appetite for more knitterly Japanese, check out these resources: Dancing Barefoot: multi-instalment tutorial in how to read

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Japanese knitting and crochet patterns. Fleegle: Japanese Knitting Symbol Primer. Select Yarn: How to interpret a Japanese knitting book. The Translation pulldown menu has several useful pages.


PIP, as in Pattern In Progress. Have I told you how much I appreciate your help? I do. Since I posted about needing testers a few days ago, I got a few volunteers that between correcting mistakes and suggesting improvements are helping me shape up the pattern for Fragile Heart and teaching me things that will help me in future projects as well. But the most important thing I learned so far is:

Not without testing

I need reminders, lest I get ahead of myself.

You would not believe the stupid things I’ve done, and I thought I was in better shape this time. Told myself this was going to be easier; hey, it’s my second pattern, right? Eh. Well, it is easier, just not simple. The chart seems error-free, though I need to tweak the color values to make it print clearly in B&W as well as in color. Not so the written instructions. Charting the stitch motif was, er, challenging. No wonder the original stitch in Barbara Walker’s

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book came only in written form. I had to chart that stitch before I could even try to modify it to get what I wanted. It took a lot of trial and error and in the end I used the chart so many times that I worked out all mistakes (fingers entwined). Then I worked backward from the chart to compile the written instructions, and I knit from those only once since the first test came out correct. I suppose what happened is what always happens when you try to edit your own writing: your brain knows what’s supposed to be there and compensates. There were not one, but two errors, and that was just one section of the pattern. A typo here, an omission there, the wrong explanation for ssk in the legend… This stitch is not for the faint of heart. It demands attention, even without errors, and I am amazed that none of my valiant testers has sent pointy objects my way, yet. One thing I particularly struggle with is the flow of information. Do I keep all the techniques together, all the charts together, all the written instructions together, or do I insert relevant bits and pieces where they are most useful? After reading many threads on Ravelry from the point of view of both designers and knitters, and after trying many variations on the theme in these first two patterns, I believe that there is no perfect system, one that will work well for everybody, unless I write a pattern for knitters who favor charts and one for those who prefer written instructions. Oh wait, and then one for those who print their pattern and one for those who transfer the PDF to their Kindle or iPad. What to do? 1) Condense and trim as much as possible. Make the complex easy to understand without writing a dissertation; reduce redundancy while keeping information available when needed; encode as much as possible on one page while following basic typography principles for readability… 2) Find a balance between the convenience of the chart knitter and that of the text reader. 3) Keep information that needs to be printed together, to reduce the number of pages a knitter needs to print. This works also for the knitter that reads on a digital reader, reducing the need to flip pages. Better go do what I just wrote down. Not that I presume to know how to write a pattern after a whopping

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1.5 patterns under my belt. It’s just that by sharing my difficulties I hope to generate some discussion. Who knows? You may have tricks I haven’t thought of. I know it helped me to read Bethany’s thoughts on charts. What’s in the metal containers on my blackboard, you ask? You mean my finger puppets?

finger puppets

You never know when you are going to need a finger puppet.

The North is calling

No, it’s not Sweden; that will have to wait. It’s a north closer to home — home (for now) being California. At the end of August I’ll be taking a color knitting workshop in Berkeley at the home of Janine, aka feralknitter. After that, Ben

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and I will drive north through Oregon and Washington state all the way up to Seattle and maybe even Vancouver. It’s a trip we’ve talked about forever and never

got around doing, and this workshop has become the catalyst to make it

happen. Along the way I hope to meet with a few friends, old and new. If things work out, we’ll stop in Eugene, Oregon, at Elissa’s farm. Elissa used to live in LA and we were part of the same spinning guild; I haven’t seen her in years. And then there’s a few online friends I would love to meet in person. Though I don’t travel well, I am looking forward to this trip. The only thing I’ll miss in those ten days or so will be the boys. Anyone interested in house sitting and spoiling two awesome lap cats?

Pipie likes a good lap




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