
I am playing with Holst Garn Supersoft, a Danish yarn that comes in beautiful heather hues and fingering weight.
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two years since I had knit anything, and a lot longer since I’d made a pair of gloves, but after seeing what he bought online I figured I could do a better job. So I rummaged through my stash, found some tweedy cashmere from Colourmart, took measurements and cast on. And I kept taking measurements of Ben’s hand and fingers as I went along, just to be on the safe side. What’s the point of custom knitting if it’s not perfect? The result was a pair of fingerless gloves that fit perfectly. Until I washed them. In my enthusiasm I forgot that cashmere doesn’t act like wool so now Ben has oversized gloves. I’ll do better next time. At least the little finger starts lower than the other fingers, unlike the pair he got on The other unforeseen consequence of this quick project is that I got the knitting bug again, big time. I had stopped knitting because of repetitive stress injuries when things got so bad that I couldn’t knit for more than five minutes at a time. Not being able to knit was depressing and along the way I stopped checking my friends’ knitting blogs, Ravelry, and anything knitting altogether. But those gloves brought me back and this time I’ll watch out for signs of injury to my arm and do my best to prevent problems because I don’t want to quit again. Knitting is relaxing and beautiful and energizing and even the cats are excited that we have yarn around the house once more. More posts about knitting in the next couple of days. Right now I am trying out WordPress and hope it doesn’t mess up with the old posts, which were created in Movable Type and then archived as a static site when I stopped blogging. Back to swatching.
Posted by Francesca | 12 comments
I’m also very glad to see you back! I’m glad you’re knitting too. I went through one of those midlife crises several years back, hope all is well with you now.
What a wonderful surprise! So nice to see you back. Must read the other posts now.
oh yay yayyayyay!
pregnancy insomnia hitting me like a ton of bricks tonight, so i get up, fix myself a cheese sandwich, get online, and what do i see? a new post from francesca!! too perfect. ;)
of course that danish yarn looks amazing – those colors! you always have a great sense of color. can’t wait to see what else pops up here .
a big hello to ben and the kitty cats ~ and l.a!
un bacione, andrea
Wow, I’m so glad you’re back! I’ve been following your blog since after you left (don’t ask…) I love your gorgeous pictures and knits. I have carpal tunnel and a bad tendon on my left wrist, so I don’t know if this will help but… here goes! My doctor recommended an ice bath. Fill a big bowl or a sink with ice and dip your ailing hand into the cold water for 5 seconds ever half hour. It really helped me.
Bentornata, Francesca! Bloglandia era vuota senza di te.
Hai delle belle lane, sicuramente farai delle bellissime cose. Non vedo il momento di vederne di piu’.
Yay, glad you’re back. Your knitting was always so precise and beautiful. Now how about some cat pictures of those pretty little kitties?
Aesoon Lee
Imagine my total surprise and excitement when I checked your blog (I have been checking regularly since I discovered your blog about a year ago) this morning and saw that you were back!! I am so excited you are back and can’t wait for your adventures in knitting, sewing, etc.
Excited and happy you’re back! Beautiful yarn – those Danes know what to do with wool. Look forward to see what you decide to do to with it!
Happy swatching!
So glad you’re knitting again. I love the look of that yarn, warm and cheerful.
Bentornata! i prossimi senza dita devono essere i Mermaid Gloves!
ciao b
I’m so glad that you’re back! I hope you’ve been doing well. Really have missed reading your posts etc. :)
This site powered by oversized but toasty fingerless gloves.