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Wintering in the kitchen

…ovvero, Svernare in Cucina

All of a sudden it got cold again and Kelvin is glued to the heat vent. Let's hope he has learned from last year's fall, because there's no way to keep him away from there.

Si è fatto freddo di nuovo tutto all'improvviso e Kelvin è incollato alla ventola dell'aria calda. Speriamo che abbia imparato qualcosa dalla caduta dell'anno scorso, perchè non c'è modo di tenerlo lontano.

And while Kelvin is on the cabinets, Pipie is in the cabinets. Goofball…

E mentre Kelvin si arrostisce su un pensile della cucina, Pipie si incantuccia in un altro. Salamino…


HAHAHAHA, those pets and their toasty warm bums!

Your cats are just too fun ... or goofy? Doesn't matter ... they are cute!

planting yourself next to heat vent makes perfect sense to me...but that cupboard move looks tricky...I won't show my cat (he likes to sleep in the cupboard under the bathroom sink, and I prefer to keep it that way!)

Your cats are just too funny :-)

Sweet stories, nice cats :)

Those kitties! They're very creative!

Cats are funny, arent they!
The first time I saw my kitten standing on top of the shower glass panel (yes!), i panicked! cats love to be high up.

These shots are priceless! How do they figure out that the heat is coming from all the way up there?...

cuties. every empty cubby is a kitty cubby.