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A tale of two bandages

It was bound to happen. Mornings have been cool again and Kelvin has resumed his early morning position on top of the kitchen cabinet to roast his tummy and butt in front of the heat vent.

Prima o poi doveva succedere. La mattina ha ricominciato a far freddo e Kelvin ha ripreso la postazione d'obbligo in cima ai pensili della cucina per rosolarsi pancia e sederino di fronte all'uscita dell'aria calda.

This morning we were woken up by a car alarm that went on and on and on… so when I started making breakfast noises it was earlier than usual and Kelvin was still half asleep. He got excited at the prospect of breakfast — yummy chicken leftovers from last night — before he was fully awake, and rolled over without realizing he was on the kitchen cabinet. I heard him tumble and land on the metal bowls. Water and dry food all over the kitchen floor.

Questa mattina ci siamo svegliati grazie all'allarme di una macchina che non finiva mai e mi sono messa a preparare la colazione prima del solito, mentre Kelvin era ancora mezzo addormentato. Si è eccitato all'idea della colazione — il pollo della sera prima — che non era ancora sveglio del tutto e si è rotolato su un fianco senza rendersi conto che era sul pensile. L'ho sentito tombolare giù e cadere sulle ciotole di metallo. Acqua e croccantini sono volati dappertutto.

Then I saw blood, tried to check him for wounds, and he limped away from me. Quick, call the vet, get kitty in the carrier, drive to the office…
Poor Kelvin had torn a toenail in his front left paw and the vet removed some shards and cleaned the wound. Fortunately, she could leave the "quick" in, and the nail will regrow. Il rigatino (the little striped one) came home with antibiotics and a fashionable bright blue bandage that lasted all of twenty minutes. And that's not all.

Poi ho visto il sangue, ho cercato di controllare dove si era fatto male e si è allontanato zoppicando. Chiama il veterinario, infila Kelvin nella cesta da trasporto e corri fuori. Povero Kelvin… si era spezzato un'unghia e la veterinaria gli ha tolto le schegge e pulito la ferita. Per fortuna gli ha potuto lasciare la parte interna che permetterà all'unghia di ricrescere. Il rigatino è tornato a casa con un pacchetto di antibiotici e una benda di un bel blu brillante che è durata venti minuti. E non è tutto.

As soon as we set foot inside, Piper got very upset and started meowing like he's never done before and a couple of minutes later he was actually hissing at Kelvin. Hissing! You have to know that Kelvin is Piper's hero; he's the cool guy and Piper will follow him anywhere and put up with anything just to get his attention. And now he's hissing at him? Before we could figure out what was going on, Kelvin was licking furiously at his bandage until it popped off his paw, then proceeded to lick the wound with the same enthusiasm.

Non appena abbiamo messo piede in casa, Piper si è messo a miagolare come un disperato e dopo un paio di minuti addirittura a soffiare. Soffiare! Dovete sapere che Kelvin è l'eroe di Piper e Piper lo seguirebbe dappertutto e si farebbe fare qualsiasi cosa pur di avere un po' di attenzione da Kelvin. E adesso gli soffia contro? Prima che potessimo renderci conto di quel che stava succedendo, Kelvin si era messo a leccare furiosamente la benda finchè è letteralmente saltata via, dopodichè si è messo a leccare altrettanto furiosamente la ferita.

Quick, call for another appointment, explain situation, get kitty back in the carrier, drive to the vet… This time we came home with a darker blue bandage and a supersized hard plastic collar that will need to stay on for three days.

Chiama di nuovo il veterinario, spiega la situazione, metti il gatto nella cesta, salta in macchina… Stavolta siamo tornati a casa con una benda di un blu più scuro e un collarino di plastica dura che dovranno durare tre giorni.

If you think Kelvin was upset the first time, imagine now. He's the picture of despair. And Piper got even more upsest this time around, but now we know why. Cats recognize each other by scent, not by sight, and Kelvin was soaked in disinfectant and doesn't smell like his usual self. Fortunately, the vet had a suggestion. Fasten your seat belts…

Se pensavate che Kelvin fosse agitato la prima volta, immaginate ora. È il ritratto della disperazione. E altrettanto dicasi per Piper, ma almeno adesso sappiamo perchè. I gatti si riconoscono dall'odore, non dalla vista, e la zampina di Kelvin è stata immersa in un bagno disinfettante per cui lui non ha il solito odore. Fortunatamente, la veterinaria mi ha dato un suggerimento. Allacciate le cinture di sicurezza…

Get some vanilla extract (hey, I just happen to have some) and smear it on the nose and butt of both cats. Yes, the butt, too. That way, they'll both smell different than usual but they'll also smell the same. Well, it worked for a while, but I guess I didn't apply enough vanilla extract and Piper started to act aggressive again. This time he actually growled. So now Pipie is locked in the bathroom and Kelvin is miserable but at least won't have to deal with Piper for a while.

Prendete dell'estratto di vaniglia (meno male che ce l'ho in casa) e applicatelo sul naso e il culetto di entrambi i gatti. Si, anche il culetto. In questo modo avranno tutti due un odore diverso dal solito, ma sarà l stesso odore per entrambi. Beh, per un po' ha sembrato funzionare, ma mi sa che non ne ho messo abbastanza e Piper ha ricominciato a fare il matto. Questa volta ha addirittura ringhiato. Così adesso Pipie è chiuso nel bagno e Kelvin è infelice ma almeno per un po' non deve aver a che fare col rompiballe.

I feel awful for Kelvin and even guilty because I think that if I hadn't started to prepare breakfast earlier than usual, none of this would have happened.

Mi dispiace per Kelvin e mi sento anche in colpa perchè penso che se non avessi cominciato a preparare la colazione prima del solito, tutto questo non sarebbe successo.

The stalker

And there he goes again! He almost killed himself getting up there, and I almost killed myself getting him down.

Ready to give up?

Temporarily resigned
Temporaneamente rassegnato

At least his butt smells of vanilla.
Almeno ha il sederino profumato alla vaniglia.


I can sum this situation up in one word.


Oh ... what a busy morning you had there! Poor Kelvin ... wish him recover soon ... and be able to have that collar taken off ... he does look really miserable with it on!

Poor baby! Willie and Lucy send their best.

Povero rigatino! Mi dispiace per te e per tutti i due gatti, ma devo dire che poor_baby.jpg e resigned.jpg mi fanno ridere.

Kelvin e` bellissimo - come un tigre piccolino.

(Poor stripey one! I'm sorry for you and the two cats, but I have to say that poor_baby.jpg and resigned.jpg make me laugh. Kelvin is gorgeous - like a tiny tiger.)

OH NO! Poor Kelvin. And the collar only adds insult to injury. I hope he's on the mend soon!

Deja vu!
I am reading a situation similar to ours about a month/two ago.

And same thing happened, he pulled it off in 3 days, it was huge, it was miserable to look at poor limping animal. But we didn't go back to the vet, i took the collar off, he limped around and was careful and constantly was licking it, but now he is fine, i guess it all healed (he had 2 bones broke in his paw). I kept him on painkillers only about one week and he slept most of the time, restrickted his movement. Also the cat smelled like meds for a while.
But I wish Il rigattino gattino speedy recovery and you not to worry, they say cats are amazing with their recovery.No wonder they have 9 lives!

Vanilla butt.... heehee!

1. it's never the cat's fault
2. I think the vet played a joke on you with the vanilla!

Oh poor babies! I'm so sorry to hear it. I hope they feel better soon.

My heart goes out to Kelvin even as I laugh at your description. Last Friday night I missed a step walking back to the hotel from a party in Holland and broke two toes. Not a huge deal, but I'm on crutches till I can get a walking cast and I feel a little like the way Kelvin looks. I suspect we'll both survive.

Poor Kelvin! Hope he recovers soon, and that Piper will recognize him again. What a day, bandage on the foot, the plastic thin around your neck AND you friend hissing at you. Poor Kelvin.

Poor Kelvin!

Vanilla. Who would have thought? :)

Eek! When I saw the picture of the paw-shaped bandage with the fur on top I thought that his poor wittle foot got chopped off! Glad to know it's not that dire. Poor little guy looks miserable though. I hope he gets better soon and I'll keep him in my prayers. :)

Poor thing! the cat-cone pictures are cute, though.

Oiy! It's not your fault but it is quite distressing when the four legged children are not well!

Hope Kelvin gets better soon!

There must be something about the smells on a cat that comes home from the vet because that hissing/yowling/aggressive thing happened to my cats when one of them went into the vet.

Vanilla, eh? Whodathunk!

Your kitties are so beautiful. I hope the paw heals quickly!

I'm sorry Francesca but I don't know whether to laugh or cry for you. Cats are so funny. We had the same claw ripping happen to one of our cats and we just finally gave up on the bandage. But we have 3 females and when they get mad at each other they really "talk". So when one comes home smelling funny or looking different we get yowls, meows, growls, snarls hisses, and even whining. I love cats, they are so complex yet at the same time they are such "pea-brains". Good luck surviving.

Poor Kelvin! Poor little guys. Having hurt fuzzy family members is always so hard.
My girls did the same thing when one cat had surgery two years ago. It took about 4 wks before they could be in the same room. It was horrible. I don't think my husband and I slept at all during the time since the one that got shut out of the bedroom would cry all night.

oh my god, what a fascinating tale! I don't have (nor know much about) cats, but this is hilarious. I LOVE the pictures of Kelvin in the elizabethan plastic ruffle collar.

Poor cats!

In the baby aisle at the pharmacy they have a small jar of potion that tastes horrid. It's to help break the thumb-sucking habit. I don't know if Kelvin would find it as revolting as a human does, but it didn't smell bad but tasted awfully bitter. Perhaps if you put a tiny bit on the bandage he'd leave it alone, and later when the bandage comes off you could put it directly on the nail so he doesn't open up the healed spot? Your vet would know whether it's a safe substance for a cat. The other thing we tried with our DD was Tabasco, but she ended up liking it and sucking even more...

One of the things that makes cats such excellent hunters is that ability to focus on one thing. Doesn't help when the O/C turns into hand-washing behavior! Perhaps the tryptophan in turkey would help calm his nerves?

What a sad little "Tail of Two Kitties". Poor little Kelvin truly looks miserable. Hope he recovers soon.
How did you ever have the presence of mind to take some of those photos?

I've been through that collar with one of my cats; I think it's worse than letting the cat lick the wound, since I think animals often know what they need to do to heal. Love the picture of the footless bandage.

vanilla on the butt?!
I hope your cat is doing better :)
Just got back from a fantastic trip in Tokyo!

Oh please forgive me that along with wishing Kelvin good healing that his escapades had me laughing. No, I'm not heartless, I love cats. This is the first time I've seen a cat with a protective collar, dogs yes. But never a very handsome cat. Poor little guy. I hope he heals up soon. Vanilla, eh?

poor feller...you can tell from his tail in that last photo that he's feeling pretty dejected.