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Workshops with Cookie A.

Cookie A. is coming to LA next month to teach some sock workshops at Unwind in Burbank. I'm in love with her German Stockings and couldn't let this opportunity pass me by, so I signed up for two of the three workshops offered at Unwind:

1. Toe-Up Socks
2. Top-Down Sock Design
3. Troubleshooting Your Feet

For some great pictures of the German Stockings, check out sock prØn.

The workshops will be about sock design and not specifically about this pattern, but I don't care. I figure that I'll pick up enough sock design goodness to be able to tackle the German Stockings pattern. In fact, I hope to design my own socks and stockings after that.

Since I can't bear to post without pictures, here's something totally unrelated, just because. Oh, and for the record, I'm going to have to frog everything I knitted last night as well. Getting senile, I suppose. Grumble, grumble…

Have I mentioned that, in our free time, Ben and I are basically laps for the felines?


Hah! Love that picture! I have a cat who, when I sit to knit, straddles my lap, and then when I go to bed sleeps between my legs, using one of my legs as pillow. I've learned to turn over as needed and get out of bed with minimal disruption to her precious sleep time.

What a cutie ... and the cat's not bad either!!

I took a break from the computer, but I'm now getting caught up and your blog is at the top of my list.

oh wow... I so want to attend those workshops! they sound so excellent! and love the cat photos. Flour on the other hand, loves to sleep by herself curled in a corner. she's not a lap dog AT ALL. which is really too bad.

Try that with a ~40lb. or 70lb. dog. They seem to think they're lap dogs! Without any warning, the smaller one would jump onto my lap, even when I'm sitting in the "office" chair.

OMG! What a cozy man+cat photo! I love those fluffy cat paws!

She does design some fantastic socks! That's the look of a cat secure in the fact that his bed is not moving. Ben looks quite used to this position. :-)

Ben and Kelvin and socks made by mommy= LOVE LOVE LOVE!! Adorable pictures, Francesca!

Lucky you! Cookies patterns rules, and the workshops will for sure be a ball!

Cookie's super cool!! Have fun!

(PS! The German Stockings aren't bad or a difficult knit... the worst part for me was the ribbing at the top :) There are so many sizing options that it is easy to pick and choose with ease something that'll fit you well-- I used her #'s when I used a different gauge of yarn for my second (!!) pair. Good luck & have fun!)

Congratulazioni Francesca! una bellissima scelta. Mi piacciono molto i calzetti di Cookie A., soprattutto Twisted Flowers. Molti motivi adatti a German Stockings di tua creazione puoi trovarli su Bäuerliches Stricken di Lisa Fanderl, distribuito da SchoolhousePress con la traduzione in inglese dei termini tecnici. Ma, se dovessi aver bisogno per il tedesco, tu sai che puoi sempre contare su di me!
Inutile dire che il gattone è da consumare di baci!
ciao Betta

I'm SOOO jealous! I love Arkansas, but that's what sucks, no knitting celebrities in these parts :( I've got the German stocking pattern too, maybe once you get some good tips from your classes and share them on your blog I'll start! That's such a bummer you have to frog again, maybe the third time will be the charm.

Those workshops sound amazing. I love love loved the german stocking pattern since the first time seeing it.

Love the cat photo, too. My roommate's cat's choice of sleeping location is curled up right in the crook of my arm. Very sweet, but makes knitting difficult!

my boyfriend is all curled up on your boyfriend ;) of course, kelvino has probably entirely forgotten about me by now, snif snif.

I love the photos, the second is especially great

Cute pictures! Ben makes a great mattress for the cat ! My kitties are not lap cats and I miss that! My kitties will sit beside me anywhere and are great company but they hate to be picked up or put on one's lap!

now that is one happy cat! :)

...nothing better than having a kitty in your lap!

That's so exciting--her patterns are amazing (and by the way, my lap is similarly occupied as I type!)

Can not wait to hear about the classes.

Your kittie is so cute!!!! I see your husband is doing his most important job of all, providing a good sleeping surface.

I'm looking forward to getting all caught up on your blog. I'm very behind on reading.

Oh, and you've been tagged. Check out my blog for details!! :-)

I am just glad to come across your blog by chance.
I'm wondering if you could show us how to make the circular needle case on your blog. I've been searching a nice one on the web but I couldn't yet... Yours are so beautiful.

Some friends of mine are Italian and they now live in Sweden and Italy. Your blog brings me back nice memory of them...

I believe that in Cat Language the sentence "A person entered the room and sat down." is translated as "Suddenly, a Lap occurred."