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A moment of silence

Some days go by entirely uneventful; others are packed full with things, good and bad. Yesterday was such a day. Lots accomplished on the work front and then a neverending series of small annoyances, until tragedy struck.

I had just finished my myrtle leaf shawl, finished! I still had the scissors in my hand from cutting threads after weaving them in and I don't know how it happened, a sudden movement… I cut into the shawl. I CUT THE SHAWL!

Disbelief. Panic. Oh no, I have to redo the border! Oh no, I cut into the body as well!!! I'm going to shoot myself.

Fortunately, I was able to cry on a few shoulders. I emailed a friend and then posted on Ravelry and got some good advice and virtual hugs from the knitting sisterhood. Thank goodness for that. My shawl is still in shambles, but I'm a little less upset.

The shawl is now hidden from view and from kitty paws (why tempt fate?) and I will not even look at it until tomorrow, when I plan to frog the border on one side and two corners, frog several rows of the body and let everything sit for several days so the yarn relaxes a bit. I'll probably pick it up again in a week or two.

For now, I cast on for the first of my German stockings. Needless to say, I was so upset that I made a mess of that, too, and had to start three times and there may be a forth, because I think my gauge is not as tight as Cookie A.'s instructions. I'll knit a few more rows, though, to get a better idea of the fit.

Have a good weekend everybody.


Oh no. That is a knitting nightmare. I feel so sorry for you, but keep on going. Your fighting strategy sounds good, follow it.

oh, wow, that's not so good. i have don't that kind of thing, with scissors, i don't understand how it happens, it's as if they have a mind of their own. leaving if for a little while is an excellent idea.

OMG! {{{{{HUGS}}}}}

Oh! [pause to find words] What an awful moment that must have been. Hope the frogging session isn't too painful...

Poor thing! I am so sorry about your mishap. I send you a virtual hug and a cookie.

Put down the knitting! Grab Ben, go to the nearest farmer's market or best Italian grocery store and let him whip up a great, easy meal.

I'm really sorry about the scarf, ::: hugs ::: Putting it away till you're less upset and more able to think clearly what to do with it, is best.

Well, if it works for you and if you haven't done it already (and even if you have), I think it's time for some ice cream. (or rather: gelato.)
I find that it would at least, makes me feel better ;)
I might need some myself actually, since I feel for you so.


Oh no... I feel so sorry for you to hear it. But today, it's weekend. You are not alone at home. He and your friends are there with you!

Oh No!! I think I'd want to shoot myself, too. But you're a talented knitter, you can fix it. Just put it aside for a few days until the trauma subsides!

Nooooo! come mi dispiace! Anch'io avrei fatto come te. Lascia passare un po' d'acqua sotto i ponti...
a presto

I don't know how bad it is, but you might be able to fix it without all the frogging. Depending on the type of yarn you used maybe you can fix it and join broken ends with the felted join. I have made so many lace errors that I've gotten really good at reworking the stitches without frogging. It takes some time to drop them and rework it, but it might save you some time in the end although I know it is more difficult on the inside of the work. I wish you luck; I know how disappointing that can be. Yes, I've done the same thing.

Oh no, that sucks SO bad, Robby send you a virtual hug so you feel better! Don't worry, in a few days, your shawl will be repaired, and this day will just be a bad memory and a good knitting story!

I can sympathize somewhat with your snipping stupidity. I didn't cut a long-suffering, lacey finished object, but I did cut the wrong end once when weaving in the last couple of strands on a finished sweater. Was desperately wetting my finger and rubbing furiously in an effort to felt the nub (that I couldn't even see because it was in the neckline seam) before it frayed back and unraveled. Not even close to your incident, really, but hopefully tangential enough for commiseration's sake.

Note: If you can't take it any more and decide that you have to run through the house screaming, best to put the scissors down first. :)

Caspita! Quanto mi dispiace! Non riesco nemmeno ad immaginare cosa avrei fatto io se cio' fosse successo a me.

ouch. but I'm with the cookies and gelato crowd. and it will make a good story in the (distant) future. maybe it isn't your style, but have you joined http://groups.yahoo.com/group/mysterystole3/ if you aren't too burnt out on lace?? karen

Oh, man....

I am so sorry to read this. I think it is always best to let that kind of thing sit for a few before you face it.