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On a fait du frogging

Sunday I finished the body of the Myrtle Leaf shawl and started knitting the border. It took me three starts because I got myself into trouble over a couple of things. One was the YO at the beginning of the row. Fortunately Google brought up a tutorial that showed clearly how to handle that (thank you Purlwhites for that). You'd think I could figure it out on my own, but I guess you have an inflated opinion of my mental abilities. Never mind… once the YO issue was taken care of, I made good progress. Til last night, that is, when I realized that I had a couple of boo-boos along the edge that I couldn't possibly live with, so frogging I went, and started the border again.


Sorry this has been such a problem. I started Zora's ABC lace blanket seven times before I got it right. You probably already have yours done. Hope all is well

Oh pooh sorry to hear about that. If it's any consolation, it looks fantastic. Thanks for the link to the help.

It's never pleasant to rip but if something starts to bother you it's usually the only cure.
I'm looking forward to seeing the finished result.

It still looks great! I'm so tempted to buy that book NOW.