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Adding glass to steel

Well, temporarily.

I've been toying with the idea of adding textural interest to my steel scarf and decided to run a little experiment. I am almost done and have a feeling that it's not going to come out exactly the way I envisioned it but, as Ben is fond of saying whenever I try a new dish, experiments are always worth it.

So, armed with my quasi finished scarf (ends still to be woven in), a handful of glass pebbles, sewing needle, sewing thread, and a good supply of alcohol…

I sewed in a few glass pebbles at both ends of the scarf.

Then I fulled the scarf a little. I agitated the water vigorously and alternated hot and cold water baths; still, the result was not as dramatic as I had anticipated. The scarf is ending up more low-key than I had intended, but there's a wabi-sabi beauty to it, that is so very Japanese. After all, it's made with Habu yarns and all in very plain stockinette stitch with no frills at the edges or sides.

I'll have to wait for daylight to take pictures of the finished scarf. I am going to call it "Ephemera", because I think that the textural effect created by sewing in the pebbles will not survive the next washing.


Wow... I love it.. It is so very cool.

If you don't mind me asking where did you get the glass pebbles? They are such a nice shape. When I think of glass pebbles I always envision round disk.

Che esperimento! Il mondo va avanti grazie a cose insolite. Sono curiosa a vedere il risultato finale.

Mmm ... very innovative. I wonder for how long the "bobbles" would stay up like that. But still, very interesting.

He's right! And how innovative?! I love how it looks.

I like it too!
The pebbles are so beautiful and they'll still be visible through the scarf - great combination.

It is very wabi-sabi; interesting concept.

That is beautiful! That scarf would be the perfect accompaniment to a slinky black dress :) Your pictures are great too. I bet the scarf hanging down would look like a rocky stream, very creative!

oh this is lovely, can't wait to see it finished.


Hello Francesca,

I found your fabulous blogg through a Google image search for 'pebbles'.

I am a jewellery designer working with acrylic and hand stitch (I do not knit though). I am currently using pebbles as inspiration for a project.

I would just like to say I found your piece named 'Ephemera' beautiful and so inspiring.

I enjoyed looking through and reading your incredibly professional blogg. It is lovely and you are amazingly talented!

I hope you don’t mind if I use your work as inspiration...I have made it very clear it is 'your work' and have added www.fluffbuff.com/knitting as a link for others to view. As I feel you translate an innovative use of materials and your work should be appreciated by many.

Good luck with your creativity. I will enjoy keeping up to date with your blogg in the future.

If you wish to see any of my work please ask. It would be nice to keep in contact for creative feed back with one another.

Thank you

I look forward to your response

Rhiannon x