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Back on track

Thank you for the help with the Myrtle Leaf shawl issue. In case you missed the comments to that entry, yes, there was a mistake in the pattern. It wasn't me! Although I really should have thought about running a search for errata as soon as I started running into trouble.

Grazie per l'aiuto con la questione dello scialle Myrtle Leaf. Nel caso non abbiate visto i commenti, sappiate che si, c'era un errore nelle istruzioni. Non era colpa mia! Anche se avrei dovuto pensare a fare una ricerca per l'errata corrige appena mi sono resa conto del problema.

So, after checking the errata for Victorian Lace Today, I restarted my shawl and now have three repeats done. Yay! Oh yes, there's 37 more repeats to go, but at least the pattern is looking good now.

Così, dopo avere controllato le correzioni per Victorian Lace Today, ho ricominciato lo scialle e ho già tre "repeats" (italiano?) fatti. Si, lo so che ne ho altri 37 ancora da fare, ma almeno adesso il motivo sta venendo fuori giusto.

Not that you can see much this way, but I didn't feel like blocking it just to take a picture.

Non è che si veda molto bene così tutto raggrinzito, ma non avevo voglia di bloccarlo solo per fare una foto.

By the way, one of you blogged (or emailed me) about knitting the border at the same time as the body of the shawl and I had meant to try that out, then of course I lost the bookmark (or email) and I can't even remember who it was. Boohoo… Even though I think it's too late to start doing that now, since I am not, repeat NOT, ripping this any more, would you please send me the link to that post? Please, please, pretty please?

And I promise to double bookmark the entry and take double dose of vitamins and eat more fish so I won't forget again.

A proposito, una di voi ha fatto una entry (o mi ha mandato una email) su come lavorare il bordo allo stesso tempo del resto dello scialle e mi ero ripromessa di provare la tecnica, solo che poi naturalmente ho perso il bookmark (o la email) e non ricordo neppure di chi era. L'arterio galoppa… Anche se penso che sia troppo tardi per questo scialle, perchè non lo disfo più neanche se mi pagano, mi rimandi l'indirizzo di quella entry? Per favore?

E prometto di farci il nodo doppio e prendere doppia dose di vitamine e mangiare più pesce così non me lo dimentico più. Davvero!


don't know if it's the one you are thinking of, but Kitty Kitty wrote about a technique in Heirloom Knitting recently:

your Myrtle Leaf is already looking lovely.

Yes, it was that one! Thank you!

This would be decidedly off-track! Do you know anywhere on/off the net that has a recipe for Panetti di fichi secchi or salame di fichi? There is a description in the book Culinaria Italy but no recipe (maybe people buy it rather than make it?)...it's a
confection – base & sides of rectangular or oval pan are covered with dried figs, layers of chopped roasted almonds, pistachios, chocolate flakes, candied citrus fruits, vanilla & mint extracts are then alternated with layers of figs. Top layer is figs. Mixture is firmly pressed down. Much better than vitamins and fish!

It still looks good!

Oh it looks divine! Congrats on your blogiversary! I am so glad you are here - I truly enjoy your posts.