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Sightseeing + A Little Fiber

  I hadn't been up in the Bay Area in over two years and I am enjoying the change of scene.

Ben's parents have a sweet cat named Max who appointed me designated lap as soon as we arrived. Max is at least 17 (no real data as he simply showed up one day and adopted the family) and getting rather frail, but a real pleasure to be around. He chats more than I remembered. Every time you look at him and say something, he says something back. It's sad to think that this may be the last time I see him.

This morning we went for a walk in the neighborhood and saw a lot of Canadian geese.

Then we went sightseeing, and I got to see the bay from the Berkeley hills.

Before heading back to Walnut Creek, we went to Article Pract, a yarn store in Oakland. Thank you Mary Heather, Rachele and Co. for the yarn store suggestions. I am not sure I'll be able to go to Art Fibers and ImagiKnit, but at least I saw this one.

They had a really good selection of yarns including Qiviut (I really really wanted to try some but $66.50 a ball is definitely above my budget). I did get a ball of very fine wool that I hope to knit into a shawl. Although I don't like pinks and purples, I bought a variegated yarn that has a lot of those colors. The combination is really pretty. I'll take a picture tomorrow in daylight.


glad you got such a lovely, bright blue day for sightseeing.

this might be a smidgeon late, but if you come back through Berkeley again before you leave, i suggest a visit to Lacis (lots of good food nearby also). it's a wonderland and museum of needlework and textile crafts. here is a link to things they carry: