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Heading north

Lots of social stuff coming together in the next few days: a Christmas party tonight at a client's company here in LA and then tomorrow morning we'll be heading north to spend a few days with Ben's parents. I'll take some knitting with me; maybe I'll finally finish my St. Brigid and maybe even start one of the sleeves of the Fair Isle sweater that's been waiting for months now. I joined the Stranded Colorwork KAL and still haven't done anything. Bad!

By the way, can anyone recommend a good yarn store in the Bay area? I'll be staying in Martinez/Walnut Creek, but hope to get to San Francisco or Berkeley at some point.

I'll have my laptop with me so I'm not going to be incommunicado. In any case, Buon Natale everybody! I hope you'll all be warm and in good company.


merry christmas to you too. have a lovely holiday.

Artfibers: www.artfibers.com. Trust me... Artfibers. Such cool stuff, and you can't get their yarn anywhere else. Every time I go home, I go up there and spend too much money. The staff is really nice, too.

I second Mary-Heather's recommendation. I've never been there (it's on Sutter Street, downtown) but the Web site is unbelievably tempting. Enjoy -- you deserve to get yourself a Christmas present, I'm sure.

i've heard such great things about artfibers - absolutely check it out.. and tell me how it goes!

hope your holidays are excellent ~ ~


Merry Christmas to you and may your travels be carefree, your shopping fun, and be surrounded by those you love.

Artfibers is a cool little shop. Their yarns are all milled for them in Italy or Japan. Very pretty, and they have small balls of each yarn in each color that you can sit down and swatch up with to see if you really like it.

As for a "regular" yarn shop, I really liked Imagiknit. It's in the Mission. They have two rooms teeming with gorgeous stuff. It's a little overwhelming, but I found a lot that I liked there.

Happy holidays!!

Buon Natale anche a Te, Francesca ed altrettante belle cose!