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Cozy Day

This morning I got up early to go power walking. No one in sight apart form a few cars and it was bloody cold. If I hadn't bought thermal underwear before leaving LA, I would have frozen myself silly running at 7 am. After such an energetic start, the day turned all cosy indoors and we ended up at the breakfast table one at a time, but eventually doing the same thing. How geeky is that?

This is the lace yarn I bought yesterday at Article Pract. I love the color variations and the soft hand. It's 100% wool, but it feels like a cashmere blend. At 2400 yards per 100 gr, this ball will be enough even for a large shawl.

The evening before the trip, I started a sock with this blue heathery Knitpicks yarn and I am already decreasing for the toes. The only way I can bear 6-7 hours in the car is by knitting.

Ben is enjoying his first time off in months and catching up with some geek reading. Here I caught him off guard…

but doesn't he look good in his Na Craga sweater?


Gee, looks like our kitchen table quite often! Geeks united.
Ben looks great (and so relaxed) in his sweater. Good job! Merry Christmas!

the lace yarn has amazing colors - i bet it will looks amazing all knit up. what were you thinking of knitting with it?

also, yay for geekery. na craga looks gorgeous - lucky ben! ;)

buon natale!!

Yeah, he looks great in that sweater! Well done!

the sweater is a true work of art. I love it! Thank you!

Article Pract looks awesome! I wanted to go there when I was in the Bay Area but didn't make it to Oakland. Zannen.

Happy new year!