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Back to normal (almost)

When we got home the night of the 25th, half of our cats' hair was on the floor. Talk about holidays spirit. Our friend Ed took care of them the first two days we were gone and someone else came by on the 23rd and 24th to feed them, but they must have been upset at being left alone for those last 36 hours and took it out on each other. I feel pretty bad, actually, but there just wasn't enough time to make a better plan and I hate boarding them even more. At least this way they were in their environment. We'll do better next time. I am glad that they don't hold a grudge; as soon as we flopped on the sofa, we each had a cat in our lap. Fire, kitties, knittingā€¦ it was a good end to the day after all those hours in the car.

Here I was casting on my second sock the day before heading back home, and I am already close to decreasing for the toes. A doctor's appointment this morning meant a few more rows. Hopefully I won't have to go back, but I had two biopsies and chances are I will be back in a couple of weeks to have two moles removed. Yuk.

It was good to spend Christmas with family, but it's also good to be back home.


Great haircut!

Gives a whole new meaning to Fluffbuff. The cats removed each other's fluff and are now in the buff!

I want to say bad kitties and poor kitties all in one sentence. Looks like I just did, eh? ;-} It's so hard to know what to do with pets when you have to leave. We only found one boarding house in all our years with our pooch that he loved.

Good luck with your biopsies sending positive prayers your way.

Better safe than sorry with those moles -- make sure they take a large margin around each one. Vitamin E oil (prick a capsule with a pin) is good on the scars as soon as they close, then shea butter when they aren't so tender. Fingers crossed!

Hello Francesca. Thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you feel better.

Your cats are lovely, even though they are a little troublemaker, those are cats all over!!

I'm sorry, your Spanish is very good, but my English is very bad.

E' stato un vero piacere a conoscerti anche "di viso". Auguri per il medico. Non e' il miglior modo per iniziare un anno nuovo. Mah, i casi della vita...