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Kitchen life

  While days have been ridiculously hot, nights have been rather cool and the boys, especially Kelvin, have switched to their winter routine. That includes spending more night time in our bed and more morning time in the kitchen.

The heating has been going on early in the morning and the kitchen has an air vent conveniently located on one of the cabinets. Kelvin parks his butt there at 6:30 am and doesn't move until breakfast is served. Pipie follows him everywhere so he's also in the kitchen but on one of the stools, preferably the one I use. As soon as I get up to do something, he takes my seat and then looks longingly at Kelvin high up on the cabinet. Pipie doesn't dare to make that jump.

I like a slow start in the morning and in the past few weeks I've been using my breakfast time to study kanji. It's usually the language tapes while I work out or drive, and the written stuff in the scraps of time here and there. Here I'm making kanji cards. Not that I really needed more, since I have several sets, but I realized that none of the pre-made sets are arranged in a way that I find useful, so I am making my own. That way I can include or omit information based on my needs and then number the cards to suit my purpose. We'll see how that works out. If I'd put the same energy into learning any other language, I'd be fluent in three more languages by now. Oh well… as we say in Italian "Hai voluto la bicicletta? Pedala!". No one to blame but me.

Once the heating goes off, Kelvin moves down a notch, to the microwave oven. It's a good position to check what I'm doing (he likes to keep an eye on me to make sure I do things properly) and he hopes I'll turn the oven on. For some reason he seems to like that.

And now off to work… in the other room.


If Kevin lives here, I don't think I'll get any knitting done as I've just spent a lot of time looking at his markings! He's beautiful, but then, so is Pipie. They so squeezeable!

yay for cat pictures! ;) adorableness, as always.

OMG ... your boys are so adorable!
So, you are learning Chinese or Japanese? Good luck! ;)

Ciao Francesca
sono una bolognese che abita ad Amburgo. Ho appena scoperto il tuo blog, grazie al blog di Eunny Jang(che adoro)! Sono proprio contenta, ora ti leggerò regolarmente. Il mio inglese è molto approssimativo, l'ho imparato da sola per poter leggere tutti questi meravigliosi knitting books e blogs, ma non mi azzardo a scrivere. Fatti sentire quando ne hai voglia. Sei romagnola? di dove?
ciao Betta

You really have caught Pipie's longing gaze; what glorious eyes!

"Cat"ching up with your days now. What beautiful subjects for study. Your cats are beautiful.

Those two sound just like mine when it turns cold out. They have their own routines as well. I love how you mentioned they keep an eye on you to make sure your doing things right, so much like cat's!

Nice looking pals you got!
Stay cool
Conrad from NOLA

I juss drop in here nd i saw some of Chinese books.Are you learning Chinese?