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Renaissance Dyeing

  Inspired by the beautiful crewel embroidery of Lene of Dances with Wool, I sent for color cards from Renaissance Dyeing. My package arrived from France in record time and the colors are just what I was hoping for. I'll take pictures tomorrow in daylight. Unfortunately, our mail gets delivered late in the afternoon, these days around 6PM, can you believe that? But it's a small price to pay for being out of the city.

I never thought of crewel embroidery until I discovered Lene's blog. Her work is truly inspiring and I have the perfect project for my first little attempt: my recently finished red cashmere/merino socks. Before you think that I had planned this all along, I have a confession. I've been knitting in the evenings while watching TV and in less than perfect lighting conditions, so I only discovered that I had a booboo in one of the socks when it was already completely done. I'll take pictures of that tomorrow as well. I'm going to think of a little embroidery as a way to cover up the problem and at the same time make the socks a little more special. After all, all my socks are very plain and can stand a little umph.


I shouldn't have looked! But you have all those lovely Japanese books or are you going to come up with a pattern of your own?

Absolutely the right approach to any discovered error. Turn it into an intentional fashion statement and stare down anyone who suggests otherwise. Can't wait to see the final result!

And the Renaissance colours are to die for...

Marina, I don't know yet. My books are all regular embroidery, not crewel, although I guess anything can be embroidered either way. I don't know enough to even know that! I'll just leaf through my books for inspiration and see what comes out. I am thinking a little flower, most likely.