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I love Apple, I hate Apple

All of today was spent trying to troubleshoot the problems with my new MacBook Pro. This morning on the phone and this afternoon at the Apple store in Glendale. I had to go there twice. Very long story… a problem no one had ever seen and they kept telling me how interesting it was. Gee, I'm thrilled to be providing entertainment and mental stimultation to Apple's technical staff. Maremma maiala! (no, I'm not translating this).

Long story short: I finally left the Apple store at 7:20pm with a new notebook and now I am back to square one, barely getting started to set things up. So far, I wasted two days on this whole thing. I expect it'll take me days to get everything configured, my files transfered from the G5 and things organized enough to actually be able to work on client stuff. But I did manage to knit a few rows of a new sock while waiting at the Genius Bar. I had vowed not to start anything until I'm done with my sweater UFOs, but what's a girl to do? If I hadn't had something to do, I would have been even more upset.

And now, back to running Software Update for the umpteenth time. Good night and sweet dreams to all of you out there. May all your fiber stashes and computers be bug-free.


How frustrating! Hope everything is up and running properly very soon.

I'm thinking good thoughts for you and your new Apple. I'm looking at getting one in January and hope that yours is not an example of the new trend for Apples.

what a pretty laptop though. ;) yeah, prettiness doesn't count if it doesn't work though! anyhow, here's hoping today is muuuuch less frustrating for you.

Bummer! Hope all is up and running by now.

Keeping ones sanity and sense of humor, as well as not swearing in english, are perfectly good examples as to why a knitting vow was made to be broken. I'm sending strong wishes your way that the prolems are short lived.

Interesting indeed!