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More socks

The cashmere/merino socks are finished and a new one is already on the needles. When Rachel sent me this yarn, she sent it in two colors and I like the feel of the pumpkin socks so much that I just have to make another pair with the red yarn. I am having a bit of a hard time with this yarn because it has a very loose twist and it's easy to get between the singles with the tip of the needles, but it's simply too beautiful and soft to keep it in the closet.


They're lovely! And you're so fast. I think I'm going to try socks again since I have so much of that Opal 6 ply. Wish me luck!

Looks like they are very comfy. Great photo shoot!

Love the pumpkin socks and I know what you mean about a loose twist. I often use a fine yarn doubled and am ALWAYS losing one of the loops or getting tangled up in a mess. But what's a girl to do - ignore a beautiful yarn because it's the wrong gauge?


LOVE the Pumpkin yarn. Whose is it and where can I get it?
Just right for Hallow-E'en!

Jo, the yarn was a gift from my (formerly) secret pal Rachele. She bought it at Stitches Midwest from Newton Counry Yarns of Anaheim, CA. The label has the name of the reseller, but not the brand of the manufacturer. The yarn is cashmere/merino 60/40 – very soft and a beautiful hand – and was made in Italy. Each yank is 2000 yard. I am not sure if this is enough information, but it's all I know.