Friends & stuff
Yesterday was guild meeting day and I got to see many friends and meet a few new people. As usual, we had about five new visitors and a couple of new members; our little guild is now more than 80-strong.
I had brought my quilting hoop with me and spent at least two hours practicing my quilting stitch. Not a whole lot of progress, but I am getting slightly less frustrated and that's incouraging. Trying out different fabrics and battings is also helping a bit, as some are easier to quilt than others. Mariko showed me how she does the quilting stitch and also spoiled me with unexpected birthday presents: two adorable Japanese craft books (this has really turned into Japanese book week for me), some sharp Japanese pins and a magazine article on Boutis how-to. Mariko-san, どもありがとうございました!
Both during and after the meeting, I was too busy having a good time to remember to take pictures. That's a good sign, no?
My practice in progress — PIP?
Cat hair courtesy of "il grigino".
Piper recognizes two categories of things: food and toys. When he sees something new, first he smells it to see if it's food…
… then he tries to move it to see if it rolls or bounces. He's our little Pelé and spends hours playing soccer by himself.
The quilting hoop is no fun; Pipie gets back to napping.
After the meeting, I joined Theresa, JoShell, Rose, Lisa and Marty and went to a café downtown to meet up with Andrea, who had overslept and missed the meeting. I think she was up again til dawn working on her mystery Fair Isle project. All my friends are getting so much done lately; I feel like I am underachieving these days.
Interestingly, half the people in our little group are interested in learning an Asian language. Rose is starting a class in Chinese Mandarin tomorrow. I just started again listening to my Japanese Pimsleur tapes this week, while I work out on the elliptical machine. Lisa is also considering Japanese and has been checking classes in Riverside. JoShell lived in Japan for 3.5 years. And I know Andrea has considered Japanese herself.
If only I could find someone who lives close to me to study together. I started studying Japanese so many times and then lost momentum that I think a buddy would be really helpful. Even when I was getting lessons, it was only an hour a week and that is just not enough for a language that is so different from the others I know.
Anyone out there who lives in the Pasadena/Glendale/Burbank area? Please, pretty please? Anyone?
Your quilting practice is sure nice and I love those colors together. I hope you find others to study with.
Posted by: Barbp | September 24, 2006 5:25 PM
Wow Francesca! The meeting yesterday was so big that I never made it all the way across the room to see what you were doing.
I'm glad that you posted your pictures... your work is beautiful.
Posted by: Laura | September 24, 2006 7:28 PM
ah, i can't wait to get a hoop and start embrodering and.. there's just too much fiber stuff i want to do. i wonder if people use handspun for embroidery ever - is it worthwhile? is it too thick? i think the sashiko book i got has some designs that could definitely be done with handspun.
so great to see you ~ and totally delighted that you all came over to my side of town. what a treat ;)
underachiever? ha! yeah, right!
Posted by: andrea | September 24, 2006 11:48 PM
happy birthday Francesca san!
otanjyobi omedetou gozaimasu!
an answer to Andrea about handspun thread for stitching...
once i found an article in Spin-off that Mary who used to belong to the Ventura Guild did Sashiko with her silk/cotton blend. a jacket full of sashiko stitch applied was simply pretty. and i try to locate her but nobody seems to know where she moved to...???
so try if you like, 80/20 silk & cotton. i'll keep trying till i get more consistency on my Charkha for it. (got Takhli Spindle?)
all the pictures are pretty!
ja mata,
Posted by: Mariko | September 26, 2006 11:39 PM