Fiber retreat
Just back from a great weekend in Deer Springs organized by my spinning guild. We were above the clouds, the weather was wonderful and I spent two days doing some of my favorite things with people I like.
Ah, the view!
Our cabin.
Una, our master felter, who gave a great felting workshop on how to make hats and bags. I hope to get pictures of some of the items from other friends who were at the retreat. When I am enjoying myself it's hard to remember to stop to take pictures.
Andrea, spinning in her jammies between coffee and pancakes.
After a painful beginning – I had to frog two weeks' worth of work – I changed pattern and I am now working on a sweater from Poetry in Stitches, although in an entirely different color scheme. I had planned on finishing my Aran sweaters at the retreat, but ended up spending all my time working on my first Fair Isle project. Now, I am very happy I did.
We had been told that there might be a llama shearing during our stay and we could have the fleeces, but in the end it was too cold for that.