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Tanta robina

What is Tanta robina?

Well, depending on which party of Italy you are in, it can mean "lots of stuff" or "good stuff", especially "yummy food".

Last time I was in Italy, I went to Maremma with Ben and a couple of friends and loved how the locals used the expression tanta robina to mean "yummy things". So, it seemed like the perfect name for my food blog as I plan to talk about lots of things and all related to food.

I hope some of you will keep me company in this food adventure. Tanta robina will document my year in culinary school and serve as a notebook for my thoughts on food and anything related to cooking and eating.

Please bear with me while I solve the initial glitches of using new blogging software and refining my initial layout.

And Happy St. Patrik's Day to you all! (Believe it or not, I am partially Irish)


ah, it's beautiful! can't wait to see what delicious food you come up with.

and sage, yes! i want to grow some sage too, i love the herb more than any other i think. well and basil. and dill. and.. ok, basta. ;)

tanti auguri for the new blog ~ and what a great quote from paolo conte you have there - - sotto ai sofĂ  indeed. yay, francesca! inspiring is what you are.


I'm your first subscriber according to Bloglines ;-) Looking forward to taking this journey with you!

yay!!!! i am heading over there right now...

ok, i am back... i couldn't leave a comment there. your site is beautiful, i can hardly wait for more. heading back over to subscribe since i forgot. happy learning and cooking.

Wow Francesca, best of luck and fun on your new adventure.

Hurray! I'm looking forward to it.

Oh, I'd assumed you'd named the blog after a favourite auntie called Robina! (And was fully expecting my nieces to start up an Auntie Rosie blog forthwith, ahem). One of the funniest things I saw yesterday was a picture of an Austrian friend taking part in a St Patrick's Day Parade in Singapore.

Oh i am so excited... and hungry.

I added the movie to my netflix queue too!

I've added it to my bloglines and I look forward to see the tasty things you make! :)