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The food blog should have been up and running a few days ago, but I failed to account for technical problems. We are set up on a new web host that supports Ruby on Rail, but our first pick of blogging software — Typo — turned into a big waste of time and energy. Poor interface, no documentation, basic functionality not working… so today we decided to ditch Typo and try Mephisto. Ben is setting up Mephisto on the server right now and I hope to be able to start using it tonight. With a bit of luck, I'll have my first post on the new blog live sometime tomorrow.


It's always something...looking forward to the new blog.

I haven't heard of either of them, but I will take your word for it!

So disappointed ... Mephisto is one of my favourite brand of shoes & that's what I was expecting to find ;-)

This is good to know, because I've been toying with moving to something different and wondered about Typepad. What's Ruby on Rail? For your entertainment, have you visited eGullet Society for Culinary Arts & Letters? It's a forum: http://forums.egullet.org/index.php?act=home
They also have a scholarship.

hope the eething troubles are over soon; eagerly awaiting the food news, mmm.