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Working on a pattern

So many things going on…

Culinary school is not looking good right now, but I am not giving up. In fact, I am thinking of ways to raise money to at least get started. Call me optimist, but if I can put together tuition for the first term, I believe that things will work themselves out.

One of the ideas I am working on, thanks to encouragement from a couple of friends, is a knitting pattern. For now I am stuck on a technical issue, but hope to resolve it over the weekend. Once that's taken care of, I'll move on to the overall design and choice of yarn. I need to get the pattern written and tested quickly; next term starts April 7!

In the meantime, I am trying out recipes, working with Ben on our first online venture of our own (still under wrap), and trying to keep my arm reasonably out of trouble, which means frequent computer breaks.

On the knitting front, I still haven't gotten around to sewing the pieces of my cashmere sweater together. Could I be more of a procrastinator?

For the rest, life as usual with just enough occasional kitty excitement to remind me to keep an eye on the daily stuff. This morning I had to wrestle Kelvin after he grabbed some dental floss from the bathroom's trash basket. I really need to stop throwing it there. A couple of years ago he gave us a big scare after swallowing two long strands of dental floss. Frantic calls to the vet and we were told to just wait and see if he got sick because there was nothing they could do, not even X-rays since floss would not be visible. So we held our breadth for two days and Kelvin was fine. I wonder if his renewed interested in dental hygiene has anything to do with having a new girlfriend.

Kelvin and Jennifer on their Valentine's date.

Sorry Andrea! You've been gone too long and he needs a local girlfriend.


Man, how did you get the sunglasses on Kelvin? Laptop would leave skid marks all over me if I tried that!

I definately think there's something in the "make a start, and more follows" theory, so don't despair!

And not finishing the sweater sewing-up isn't procrastinating, it is resting your arm, and thus being very, very good.

It sounds as though you're on the brink of big, exciting things!

Those are cute pictures. Maybe it's spring, but our neutered male cat Zephyr is all lovey-dovey these days, too.

Good luck with the pattern - I'm looking forward to hearing more about that when you're ready, and yes, I'm sure you'll find a way to do what you want if you make a start!

Yay for the pattern! I can't wait to see what you come up with, and Kelvin is too beautiful, and very glam with his sunglasses!

Cute pictures!
What kind of pattern are you working on?

Maybe you need a trash can with a cover in the bathroom ... a tightly covered one ... cats are pretty intelligent.
Good luck with the pattern. Working on a knitting pattern is definitely more secure than relying on the lottery ... way to go.

Hi Francesca,
I'm really curious about the pattern you're working on!
Being optimistic is probably the best way to go regarding culinary school. There's a Dutch proverb that says that if you don't try, you're never going to win!