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Happy Valentine's Day to you all. Thank you for all the comments and emails after my last post. I didn't mean to be silent this long, but working at the computer is what caused and now aggravates my arm/shoulder problems. Not knitting for two whole weeks only made things worse as I ended up spending extra time at the computer. Once I realized the error of my ways, I picked up the gray cashmere sweater again — it was so close to being done — and hope to finish it in a matter of days. Honestly, I could finish it in one sitting if I didn't dislike sewing as much as I do.

Are you having a fun Valentine's Day? If not, do yourself a favor and go over to Poppalina's blog to read her Teddy Bear biscuits entry.

My special treat this morning was Ben making waffles. Six or seven years ago, for Christmas, he bought me a waffle iron and I reacted rather ungratefully saying that it was a gift for the house, not for me. So, being the nice guy that he is, he pledged to always be the one to use it and he has kept his word. We don't have waffles very often, but when we do, I just sit back and watch him prepare breakfast. The boys were watching too, today, and Pipie stole a piece of waffle at the end. Sound familiar?

By the way, I am still thinking about that school thing and it may or may not happen, but in case you were wondering, it's the California School of Culinary Arts in Pasadena, a Cordon Bleu program that lasts 12 months plus 3 months of externship. Go ahead, tell me how crazy I am.

To test whether I can actually stand and cook for five hours a day, five days a week, yesterday I spent most of the day in the kitchen trying out new recipes. The rhubarb custard was a near disaster. The roast potatoes in the pan were not perfect, but very satisfying and the tomato ketchup I made following a recipe on Il Cavoletto di Bruxelles stunk up the house with vinegar and I can't really judge it because I despise ketchup, but Ben seemed happy. I thought I'd do something just for him for once. :)
Il Cavoletto di Bruxelles is a food blog written in Italian by a Belgian girl living in Rome. I've been following a few food blogs lately and so far this is the one I like the best and the only one I've actually tried recipes from; I highly recommend it.


What is it with women being ungrateful with gifts? I would've been happy if I got a waffle iron as a gift. Being a gay male in a relationship, I feel very fortunate not having to put up with the opposite sex and all the baggage that entails.

How nice! Homemade waffles for breakfast! The best part is being able to just sit back and wait for the food to come on your own sofa! LOL!
Do you have the habit of buying lottery tickets? I mean, if you get lucky, you'll get all the tuition fees, plus some more maybe, from one ticket. I buy one quick pick from time to time ... usually when I have a dollar with me ... since I think the money from the lottery would go to school funds here.
Not a crazy idea at all ... if my husband is a millionaire, I would persuade him to finance me to a culinary school too. And of course, I will keep buying lottery tickets! :D

Strange that DJ DOES feel the need to hang out on female blogs, though, and listen to them do the girl thing.

Thanks for the link, just popped in to see where all the hits were coming from.

Tortine limone e ricotta looks nummy to me!! Thanks for the link. Keep the recipes coming when you are a student (:

Happy Valentines day Francesca!

I don't think you're crazy to be considering that course, Francesca, in fact I think you should go for it!

what exciting news, and not crazy at all ~ though i'm not really all that surprised.. whenever i'd go to your house, i always looked forward to some great eats! culinary school always sounded super appealing, i'll bet you'll love it.

i kinda fell off the planet for a bit, but i'll be giving you a call later today, vabbene?


not crazy at all. go go go!

Rhubarb custard? Egad! There really are people who eat rhubarb, huh?

If culinary school is what you want, do it. Even if you never get a job in the industry, you'll be invited to a lot of parties because you can make Hollandaise sauce for 20 without blinking an eye.

Go for it! I'd like someday to attend a cooking school, but I don't think I could do it as a full-time student.

Wait...is this the gray cashmere sweater that you're making with a ridiculous gauge? I take my hat off to you, good sir.

Not crazy at all. I considered going to cooking school ten years ago, but I didn't like the idea of working 18 hours a day as a sous chef for some egomaniac executive chef. I don't mean to discourage you; I love cooking when I'm in the mood, and I alway love to eat!

Yumm, homemade waffles, but that sweater?!!! It's gorgeous! I can't wait to see a modeled shot, the cashmere yarn and the classic style, it's going to be so beautiful!

The cooking school sounds like a great idea, I would love to work in a test kitchen, that would be so fun :P

Great idea, Francesca.
Can't wait for new cakes recipes on your blog. Good job you don't need to diet though :).

I would suggest reading Anthony Bourdain's "Kitchen Confidential" for a honest (if a bit surly) look at the life in a commercial kitchen.

You are NOT crazy!! I was working as an office manager for more years than I care to think about. At the age of 40 decided to go to culinary school. Best thing I ever did. Be prepared for very hard work, fun, and tears just to name a few things you will encounter but believe me its well worth it. Good luck!