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Ready for fall

It was hot, but I really wanted some pictures outside. I am so ready for fall or even winter. A wool fan like me shoulndn't be living in Southern California; no way. I need to move to a colder climate.

I loved knitting Ene's scarf. Not that I didn't run into a few problems. In fact, I spent the best part of the weekend frogging and reknitting.

At one point I noticed a mistake several rows down and I had just finished a frogging session, so I kept knitting and told myself that I could live with the mistake.

The following morning, after sleeping on it, I realized that I could not live with it and frogged 24 rows. It's easier to be brave early in the morning.

Last night I finished knitting and started thinking about how to use the left over yarn.

One of my boys (I'm not sure which one, but I have an inkling that it was Kelvin) decided to spare me the burden of decision and proceeded to destroy my lovely leftover cashmere.

Now that the shawl is washed and blocked, I like the yarn even more, if that's at all possible.

The next few days will probably be spent swatching and thinking about the next project.

What kind of project? Why, lace of course!


looks great! and even more convincing now to check out that yarn (no no no!). cats are very handy sometimes...chomp, chomp...no need to have a stash.

ene is amazing! go you francesca ~ and you look even more amazing.. brava bravissima!

umm, and you're looking for colder climates? coughmarylandcough.

;) mi manchi!

Just beautiful! Well done, and so fast! Remind me of the yarn again?

Move to a colder climate? Like Boston, maybe? :-)
It's stunning. Really.

Wow, that was fast! It's lovely.

What a shame about your cashmere...

Oh my God, it's SO beautiful! How do you knit lace so fast??? I want to know the secret!

wow, this is so beautiful! i'm sure you will make good use of it in a few months!

What a fantastic size for you! It looks so great! I'm so happy for you. I can't wait to make some lace that I can and want to wear :)

as for colder climates.. come on, does it get colder than Canada? ;)

I am so impressed that you knit, blocked, and modeled this shawl in about a week! I cast on in April and I'm on row 49.... Your shawl is lovely. Excellent work!

Ene is lovely Francesca, absolutely stunning! I love the look, the size, and most of all, you and Ene look like made for each. Perfect!

Beautiful! Ene is a very lovely design! Hooray to Nancy Bush! Great job on your shawl/scarf (she called it a scarf).

Have you lost more weight? You look fantastic! And Ene is gorgeous. Can't wait to see what you pick next!

Lovely! And it looks so soft and warm...

It is, as you are well aware, gorgeous!
So, I've a proposition for you.
Let's trade houses. I get actual winter weather here, annually, for a couple months at a stretch. You and your wool will be happy!

Ene looks amazing, I love that last detail shot, the fabric looks so crisp, but soft. You guys look beautiful together! Maybe you can take Ene down to the beach at night, it gets pretty cold down there with the ocean breeze, doesn't it?

wow it looks great!

Vieni quiiii, Francesca!!!!
Lo scialle è perfetto. Che bello vederti!
una curiosità: ma quanto è grande il blocking board?

Very beautiful! That cashmere looks as soft as your kitty!

Oh, it is lovely... and so soft, too, I'm thinking!

I'm sure there will be a chilly day in SoCal eventually. ;-)

Wowza, that was fast! Too bad we can't touch the decadent cashmere lace through our screens!!! :)

Looks absolutely beautiful.

Fantastic shawl/fantastic model!!
Francesca you've just cheered me up. We are stripping wallpaper, we are tired, aching and wishing we hadn't started. The washing machine isn't working properly (I will kick it the next time it tells me it's finished when it isn't) and there's still half an hour of 'work' to go before we can call it a night and watch 'House'. I'm having a quick break to catch up on my favourite blogs and your pictures are definitely making me feel better. Brava!

She is beautiful.

Bellissima! Se ti trasferissi a Minneapolis (dove vivo io) la potresti indossare almeno 8 mesi all'anno:) Complimenti da un'altra italiana in America. Monica

You are turning into a production knitter--what number is this one? It is very lovely.

Wow... I can not believe that you finished another shawl so quickly. It is absolutely lovely. The yarn blocked out so beautifully.

You are so adorable, and so talented! that is gorgeous!!!

Both you and the shawl look great!

That's so beautiful! Congratulations on finishing it.

Beautiful! I just found your blog and these great photos of Ene. I always wanted to see one laid out as it is hard to tell what it looks like from the photos in the book. Well done.

It's charming, my dear.