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Wild Apple (Bohus)

  As of today, a new Bohus knitting kit has become available: the "Wild Apple". The design, a Kerstin Olsson classic from 1958, comes in two kits, one for the cardigan/pullover and one for hat/scarf. Available from SOLSilke and the Bohusläns Museum.

New Bohus kits keep getting added to the existing selection as Susanna Hansson translates new (or I should say old) patterns. Thank you Susanna for all your work!


Gee, I love your blog! It's one of the few that I try to read regularly, and if I get behind (like now), I'll go back and read all the posts I've missed. :-)

Wow... the kit is lovely. Thanks for posting the links.

Daaaaaaang, that is gorgeous! Okay now I have to go finish all my ugly crap so I can knit something pretty like this! :D

It's a beautiful colourway, and I would love to see modelled pictures of the sweater!

..Adoro tutta la maglieria di matrice scandinava! Chiara

Solveig sent an email to me on 7/10/07 when it became available. I guess there were a number of people waiting for it. (I mentioned how lovely a kit would be last April to her).

So, are you taking the plunge? Now that you're an expert (wristlets), are you knitting an entire Bohus sweater?

It's got to be nothing compared to, say, knitting three St. Brigids...

And thank YOU, Francesca, for so many wonderful links, ideas and pictures.

Catching up with you finally. Are you planning on making this Bohus? It's gorgeous. I like the combo in the swatch you've made and I can't wait to see how your scarf turns out.

Beautiful yarn you received from Germany and your socks you made are lovely!!!

Stay cool now.

that bohus colorway is incredibly inspiring. thanks for sharing.