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The power of ice-cream

I was already at my computer after dinner when I heard a cry for help from the kitchen. Someone needed to have a cat taken off his back.

Kelvin has gotten into this habit of jumping on Ben's back when he opens the freezer, but only when he's about to take out the ice-cream. Makes you wonder, doesn't it?

I usually run to Ben's rescue, but this has happened often enough that this time I had the presence of mind to take pictures.

Kelvin was very pleased with himself, even though he didn't get any ice-cream.


ha! love it. hi ben ;)

LOL! Kelvin looks like he is feeling pretty comfortable there too!

That Kelvin is too cute! Poor Ben!

That's hilarious - clever kitty!

FUNNY! You have a Feline Food Police!

That Kelvin - he's never boring eh? What a great cat, and great Ben too. (We love our bottom mount freezer - do you?)

Hi Francesca,
What a beautiful cat! And so clever, too. Is he a special breed?

Wow, Kelvin is beautiful! He looks like a bobcat or some other wildcat with those markings! This gave me a good laugh :D

I think this is a perfect example of "You know you're a blogger when your first impulse is to grab a camera; first before rescuing a loved one."

Kelvin knows how to best get the attention of his pet-humans. That's a cat, for sure!