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And it wasn't intentional.

After an injury caused my right foot to be in a soft cast, the only socks I've been able to wear over the fat bandage have been my second layer socks, the oversized socks I knitted last fall with a lovely yarn I got from Rosie.

This morning, I inadvertently threw them in the washing machine and they took their felting job so seriously that now they won't even be regular socks. I am so bummed.


:( That is so sad.. I am so sorry. Hope your foot gets out of the cast soon.

I'm so sorry to see your foot in the cast. Hope that it's not imobilized too long. Sorry about the socks too :-(

Oh no. For the foot and the sock.

Sock Toys!!


What an unhappy washing machine incident! :-(
Hope your foot recovers quickly.

Yikes! Injuries with casts all around! Is there something in the air? Oh yeah...spring!

Can you make anything with it from the Sock and Glove book?

Well, the socks look pretty, though. Maybe if you took-up golf they could make smashing club covers.

Mi dispiace per tutto quanto ti e' successo. Ti auguro pronta guarigione. Penso, invece, che il caso delle calzine sia irreversibile.

Oh dear...maybe I need to stop spreading my disease around. *wink*

I wish you quick healing!! Look after yourself ...naughty socks anyhow.