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I want more

Sunday night I saw the finale of Battlestar Galactica and found out that I'll have to wait 2008 for the next season. Two-thousand-fricking-eight! Arrrrgghh. Finally a decent TV show and they struggle to sell each season. At least there will be a miniseries in the fall based on the starship Pegasus and set prior to the time frame where the season finale left off.

Can you tell I'm a fan? When I said "decent show" I actually meant good, fracking good. Where do you find that moral ambiguity, lack of all-American clear cut good vs. evil definition in favor of real people with real issues? Yes, the world is made up and it is sci-fi, but it's more real than anything else on TV right now, at least on US TV.


Ohhh, you talk about american shows,but I still cherish my teen ages when we all gather round to watch La Piovra, looking at handsome Comissario Corrado Cattani and all girls would be in love with the actor Michele Placido...that show even doesn't stand close to The Sopranos, but I remember what a rush!

I agree with you in soooooo many ways that I can't even count them. This is the first well-written, well-thought-out, good, lessons-geared-at-causing-moral-delima program on TV since I was a child. I WANT TO KNOW WHAT THE FRAK HAPPENED TO KARA!!!! WHAT THE HECK???!!!!

When we saw the 2008 thing, my husband spent the next two hours telling me how angry and annoyed he was... like every 10 minutes. Personally? I'm so annoyed I could spit.

I feel the same way. But last year they made us wait from early March 2006 to January 2007, so its the norm.
On the bright side, I read somewhere (www.aintitcool.com) that they have 20 episodes next season, which means more Battlestar!

I never got into BSG, but Stargate is a serious addiction for me. I only discovered it about a year ago and I know own every season of both SG1 and Atlantis released so far on DVD. I've watched almost all of them and I'm trying to ration a bit until I can watch the next seasons.

I thought it was bad having to wait a month for the next "Heroes" episode, but 9 or 10 months for the new Galactica? Yikes!

Wow, I'm a relatively new reader, and didn't know you loved BG, too!
My husband and I watch it together, although we discovered it late, and are catching up via videos of past seasons.

I love it! There doesn't seem to be much intelligent science fiction on any more.

Have you seen Babylon 5? It's the greatest TV series of all time, IMHO. I told my oldest daughter that, and she didn't believe me. Then we watched it together, and she completely agreed. It's another incredible SF series. So well written and acted. And it was prescient about the troubles we are currently having in the US.

Have you tried to watch Firefly (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0303461/) and the the movie Serenity (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0379786/) it's a good one! Just one season!
I'll chech Battlestar Galactica, I don't watch much tv and I did miss it.

TV shows in the US are all pretty pathetic. There are a few good ones, Bones first season(second one sucks,)BG, Buffy season 1-3 reruns, and that is about it. Luckily I have friends who send me Japanese Drama and Korean Drama.

I am beginning to think there is some merits in cheap to produce shows that only last 11 episodes. They really have to pack in a lot of story into each episode and there really aren't those stupid fluff episodes that we are all to accustom to. Each episode more feels like a season finale.

Ugh! I am suffering through Battlestar withdrawal. I balked when they said 2008! It's all my husband's fault, originally I didn't want to watch the show because I equated it with it's goofy disco-era 1970's predecessor (which I never watched), and then my husband got me hooked a couple of years ago. And now that I'm hooked I have to wait until 2008 for the only currently-running TV show that I will watch. Say it isn't so! Don't even talk about Firefly...that's another one he got me to watch reluctantly, and then I got hooked, and then it got canned!

I'm a fan too! I watch it with my elder son. We're a few episodes behind you, here in the UK, so don't give anything away!

I don't watch BG, but I know how you feel. I lamanted over how long the summer would be before the next season of Dallas (way back when). And don't even ask me how it felt when it went off the air for good. Friday nights just weren't the same. Now, I have it on DVDs and can relive the fun!

Frak! is all I have to say. When that "2008" thing came on the screen, both my husband and I just sat there speechless.
I can't possibly wait that long to find out what the heck is going on. On the upside, I have every single past episode on ITunes and plan on watching them over and over until the new season comes out.

I just turned on my satellite after 2 yrs without live TV. I was overjoyed to see tht BG was still on, but then I discovered it was the finale! So that ep has been on 4 times in the last week and after seeing it twice I was done. I saw Firefly on DVD after it had gone off the air, and I have all the Buffy and Angel seasons on DVD. :) I just got hooked on Grey's Anatomy - that show is so far out it's almost like SciFi. My fave SF show has to be Farscape - any other Farscape fans out there?

another recommendation for firefly! love it, love it. the movie is great too, though harder to watch because you know it's the end.

and now, i just put battlestar galactica on my netflix queue, thanks a lot!


Ciao, Francesca! I found this site a few days ago via Eunny's link to your tubular cast-on tutorial, and I've been spending some time since catching up on your lovely, thoughtful and insightful blog.

My husband and I are also frakkin' frustrated about the 2008 thing! I told him that we have to make sure the next TV show we get addicted to is already off the air, with all episodes available on DVD, since we're such instant gratification seekers. ;-)