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Embroidery Designs

  This is one of the books I picked up today at Kinokuniya's. I was able to translate the first two words of the title — Embroidery Designs — but not the third. Perhaps someone out there who knows Japanese can help?

Embroidery Designs
72 pages
by 大塚 あや子, ワンダフル
ISBN 4-277-37012-8

Most Japanese craft books display the finished pieces in the first half of the book and the "How to make" section in the second half. This one shows each piece followed by its own instructions. I like that; less back and forth.


  • Outline Stitch
  • French Knot Stitch
  • Chain Stitch
  • Closed Herringbone Stitch
  • Buttonhole Stitch
  • Back Stitch
  • Running Stitch
  • Straight Stitch
  • Couching Stitch
  • Satin Stitch
  • Raised Buttonhole Stitch

I love the little Braille embroideries…

… and this cushion. I know someone who could take this idea and do something wonderful with it. Right, Stephanie?

Apart form the table of contents, the book is entirely in Japanese. But the inspirational value won't suffer.


oh, you are so right. i love that pillow! i haven't seen that book and i was in my local shop just a week or so ago... thanks for the pictures, just what i needed. you are a good soul.

Hi Furanchesuka san!

As I told you, I'm checking in. It's all pretty as I remembered your site.

As for Gottsunko. It's what we say when we bump into someone head to head. Atamao butsukeru kotodesu. Juvenile way of saying it.

If a child is told that he/she will be getting a Gotsun if they do something prohibited, means he'll get hit* on a head as a punishment. Though it sounds not so serious or mean. *More likely by teacher or parents. It's not so PC? Ha, ha. That's Japanese.

I have to read it and see in a context to know what and why Gottsunko. Wakarimasen.

Jya mata, yukkuri to misete itadaki masu.

Kyouwa kokomade.


Thanks for listing this title. I just added it to my wish list on amazon jp. I love the braille.

Japanese craft books are just the best!

Oh my goodness. A tapir made of "Wee Willy Winky." I feel dizzy.
Thanks for all your reviews -- priceless.