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Not so bad

Yesterday I got to see my favorite bunny: Dorian. He is partially plucked and looks kind of funny with some almost bold patches in his body. Fortunately, Elena promised not to touch his face. This time he wasn't confined to the pen and spent the afternoon roaming in the backyard and chewing all sorts of greens. Oh wait, not just green; he was chewing concrete, too. Yes, really.

After a few hours of rolling in dirt, he had to be brushed, gently, but thoroughly. I was so taken up by the little fuzzball (I even made a movie of him chewing grass), that I completely forgot to take pictures of fiber stuff.

I only took one of a beautiful sock Janel is making with Trekking yarn. I love how the two colorways combine.

On a different note, the damage to my St. Brigid was not as bad as I had feared at first. When I saw the mess on Friday morning, I couldn't bear to even look at the sweater pieces and simply picked up the balls of yarn, untangled them, rewound them and put them back in the basket without looking at the sweater. The two largest pieces — front and back — were safe, as I had already cut off the yarn from the ball. Phew.

The sleeves end up in saddles and those parts got messed up by the tension of the balls being dragged and dropped. Same thing for the collar that is knitted as a separate piece. Altogether, I only have to undo a few rows here and there. The damage was mostly psychological. I am very relieved. And yes, il rigatino (Mr. Stripey) is still alive and snuggling up with me under the covers in the middle of the night. Winter is a Very Good Thing (TM).


Phew! I'm glad the damage was not so bad. When the dog did that to my knitting, I took a picture and occassionally I would show it to her. She hasn't done it since ;-)

Dorian is so cute. I want one!

What good news. I also have a bad kitty who loves yarn and sometimes chews holes in sweaters. But what can you do, thats life with cats. I am glad you can fix your St Brigid, I have not always been able to fix mine, sigh.

Very happy for you that the damage wasn't as bad as first suspected. Nice to know the suspect is out of the hoosegow and back in your coverlet.

Janel's sock is gorgeous - I'm making a scarf out of the purple tones and I never would have thought to make a gorgeous sock like that with the yarn she chose. Hmmmm I have instructions from Twig on how to do mosaic patterning I now have an idea of what yarns to do it with. Yippee.

Love Dorian, he's just charming. Of course I believe the original may have been as well, eh?

OMG! I think no one would blame you for forgetting anything at all! Dorian is so cute ... his eyes are always following you, right?

Does anyone know if the pattern for those gorgeous socks came from a book or if it's a pattern Janel created on her own? I'd love to try to knit a pair!