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It was only a matter of time; I had to join a Knit Along sooner or later. So yesterday I signed up for my first KAL — the Stranded Colorwork Challenge. I am not very good with commitment, but this KAL doesn't have a deadline so it seems perfect for me and since my first attempt at Fair Isle knitting is languishing in a basket in the corner of my office I thought, what the heck, let's give the poor sweater a chance.

Era solo questione di tempo; prima o poi dovevo partecipare a un knit-along (KAL). Ieri mi sono iscritta al Stranded Colorwork knit-along. Non sono molto brava con gli impegni ufficiali, ma questo KAL non ha scadenze quindi mi è sembrato perfetto e poi il mio primo tentativo di Fair Isle è lì che langue in un cesto nell'angolo del mio ufficio per cui mi sono detta, diamogli una chance.

My good friend Andrea (ciao biondina!) is one of the hostesses and I hope that she'll nag me when she sees me faltering. Along with the other two hostesses — MJ and Mary Heather — she also set up a Stranded Colorwork Flickr group.

La mia amica Andrea (ciao biondina!) è una delle hostess e spero che mi terrà battuta se mi vede vacillare. Insieme alle altre due hostess — MJ e Mary Heather — ha creato anche un grouppo Flickr per Stranded Colorwork.

Let's see if I embarass myself or if I finally get my act together. Here is the Fair-Islish sweater with front and back done, armhole steeks cut and the stitches of one arm mostly picked up. That's where I got stuck.

Vediamo se faccio una figuraccia in pubblico o se mi metto sotto di buzzo buono. Ecco le foto della maglia in style Fair Isle con il davanti e il didietro finiti, gli "steeks" per le maniche tagliati e i punti per una manica quasi tutti ripresi sul ferro. È a qual punto che mi sono arenata.

And I still haven't finished my second Na Craga, although I got at a good point last Saturday; I only have to knit the neck and I'll be done. I promise… this weekend.

E non ho neanche finito il mio secondo Na Craga, però sono arrivata a un buon punto sabato scorso. Devo solo fare il collo ed è finito. Questo weekend… sul serio.


I saw that you had joined! We gotta see whether we can get you to finish it before Christmas ;-)

What a beautiful pattern! What yarns did you use and what's the pattern? I can't wait to see the finished product!

This looks pretty impressive to me. Well done, Francesca!

May : The pattern is from the book Poetry in Stitches, pages 140-141. The yarn is Rowan Scottish Tweed 4-ply. You may also know that yarn as Harris Tweed as it was called before a copyright infringement lawsuit forced Rowan to rename it. It's a lovely yarn.

that is so beautiful that I want to be able to snatch it out of my computer...

Wow! That's a beautiful pattern. What is it?

so glad you joined! and you will you will indeed finish - or i will, will indeed nag you.

;) ciao!

Francesca, ce la farai!!! Faccio il tifo per te. La maglia è bellissima.
Per farti forza, ti mando un ricordo della nostra comune regione:
a presto

Your sweater is perfectly lovely. I am in awe. Some day I'll know enough about knitting to try it.

WOW. What more can I say?

that is gorgeous! i am looking forward to seeing it finished, but even as it is it is quite something.