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Designing Tessellations

If you are interested in designing tessellations — from simple repeats to complex representational interlocking patterns — this is the book.

I think my friend Lucia in Reggio Emilia will love this book. She used to make modular origami when I was still making cranes and inflatable frogs. I remember some tinsel Christmas ornaments: still making those, Lucia? Although two-dimensional, I think this book would appeal to her and inspire something creative and unexpected.

Designing Tessellations : The Secrets of Interlocking Patterns
by Jinny Beyer
ISBN 0809228661

Book chapters:

  1. What Are Tessellations?
  2. An Introduction to Symmetry
  3. Designing with Two-Dimensional Symmetries: The First Eleven Symmetry Groups
  4. Designing with Two-Dimensional Symmetries: The Last Six Symmetry Groups
  5. Designing with Linear Symmetry Groups
  6. Experimenting with Symmetry
  7. The Keys to Creating Interlocking Tessellations
  8. Refining Tessellations: Shape and Color
  9. Creating Geometric Tessellations
  10. Creating Representational Tessellations
  11. Metamorphosis

Categorizing symmetries is an example of the systematic approach to designing patterns throughout the book. It's reassuring to see that it's a system so even intricate designs รก la Escher become possible.

While the books caters heavily to quilters (all the photographic examples are of quilts), once you learn how to design patterns, you can apply them to any project. I am thinking Fair Isle. :)

Creating Escher-like representational interlocking patterns

If you make something based on this book, let me know!


WOW! this is my 30secs' celebrity!
GASP! this girl is a witch!!
No later than yesterday I got completely mesmerized (round eyes and collapsed jaw) when it came up to my mind to check an old love of mines: origami. I found lots of images and for a couple of hours I just stared helplessly at the modular ones.
Such examples of perfection and beauty: it just enchants me...
Thank You Francesca - for telling me YOU have a book that should be MINE!
I'm joking, of course, and I'm happy that someone like Francesca shares my same crazy obsession for precision and perfection (only for what hobbies are concerned...)
She is one of the few people who wouldn't get scared whatching me folding miniature squares of paper..

Awesome! I can't wait to order this book. My daughter (the raspberry picking one) LOVES to draw, and tessellations would be right up her alley. Thanks.