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Miss Luna & Twined Knitting

I can get used to this: knitterly afternoons eating good food, sipping Lapsang Souchong, listening to Cassandra Wilson and Ella in Berlin, all the while learning something new (twined knitting) with the sweetest Italian greyhound leaning against my leg or using it as a chin prop.

Isn't Luna the cutest?

Of course she knows it and has all the boys wrapped around her little paw, starting with Doug who has furnished his apartment to reflect who's in charge. Sofa pillows with reproductions of renaissance tapestry with exquisite images of Italian greyhounds… drawings, paintings, photos and a beautiful poster of a 1912 Frankfurt dog show.

You can't blame a girl for letting it go to her head.

Almost forgot about the knitting…

Ivar taught me how to set up a ball of yarn and cast on for twined knitting, and how to twine knit stockinette stitch with two colors. He also showed me how to purl that way, but I didn't actually get to do that, so most likely the information won't stick.

Twined knitting is slow — I mean, sloooooow — and it may not be practical for LA weather, but it sure is an interesting technique that yields beautiful results. I'll try to practice in the next few days to fix things in memory and worry about possible applications later.


Sounds blissful and so civilised!

Yeah--I tried it once and got bored halfway through the cast on :( I would rather watch you do it!

You mean you don't need a pair of waterproof mittens for LA's snow?


Here are the post that I did on twined knitting. I absolute love it and it does get faster. Though I haven't done anymore than knit a pair of mittens to be honest.


Anne-Maj Ling designs are truly inspiring and make you want to cast on immediately. :)

Luna IS the cutest. I want to smooch her. And twining gets easier the more you do it, it's very rhythmic, after a while and the results are pretty cool.

What a sweet dog... The twining sounds interesting, and it's not really practical for where I live either, unless you go up into the mountains, but then that might not stop me from learning.

I've learn twined knitting and herringbone stitch from this pattern:
Highly recommended, straight forward explanations - I love patterns which teach you new things and don;t expect you to became 'advanced' first :).
A great effect - I think it will look great on hats as well.

I cannot comment. I have a weakness for elegant short-haired dogs that drives the coherence right out of me.