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Kauni Woes

The Wool Peddler shawl is blocking right now and I am a bit upset about it. I like the pattern, love the color, but after multiple washes and rinses the yarn stinks like sheep in a disturbing way. I've had unskirted merino fleeces that smelled less foul than this yarn.

If the offending odor doesn't fade away, I don't know what I am going to do with the rest of my Kauni. I swapped some yarn I wasn't using with a Canadian knitter on Ravelry so in addition to a good leftover from the blue cone, now I also have two big skeins in a beautiful brown color palette. Keeping my fingers crossed here.

I wonder why I haven't seen any mention of the smell issue on other blogs. I know that I am highly sensitive to smells, but surely this is too much to go unnoticed even by normal people.

Another feature I could do without is the presence of guard hairs and vegetable matter. I suppose I have grown rather spoiled by knitting lace for a year using supersoft yarns. That'll teach me…


I haven't blocked it yet, but I'm knitting a sweater with Kathmandu Aran. It's a really annoying yarn to knit with, especially because of the chaff that constantly needs to be removed. Yet plenty of other knitters seem to love it. Go figure. I know I will never knit with it again. So I'm in real sympathy with you. Good luck!

Missed you yesterday. Hope all is well.

How odd. I haven't seen anyone mention this problem. Does it smell bad when it's dry? If not, then you might just grin and bear it during blocking (use noseplugs).

My bet is that once dry , the smell will be gone . I have often noticed that pure wool can smell terribly bad when wet and not when dry . Keeping my fingers crossed for the smell and more .... VBG
Danièle with lots of EK Kauni in her stash

put the shawl in a bag with a sheet of unscented fabric softener and leave it in there for a couple of days; or, you live in a warm climate, yes? if you're not afraid of it fading, hang it outside in sunshine for a day or two and see if that helps -

Really? This is the first time I hear about a yarn stinking *after* washing! Can't think of any solution ... but maybe let it hang in well-ventilated area for a while after blocking?


I just happened upon your site while looking up the Japanese Kanji for "awake" and I'd like to say you're incredibly talented!

I enjoyed looking the photos of all your creations and the shots of the cats were humorous too. Keep up the excellent work!

Take Care,
* Jen

Sorry for the issues you're having! If you don't want to knit with the brown, I will offer to swap or buy it from you! If you're interested, e-mail me at knitternutter at gmail dot com.

You could try putting a dryer sheet in the bag where you keep the yarn. Or add some essential oil (lavender, eucalyptus?) to the rinse water. I hope you solve the problem because the color of that yarn is amazing! So rich and autumnal... it would be a shame if you couldn't knit with it.