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The good thing about being down with the flu is that I got some knitting time I wouldn't have otherwise had. A girl's gotta have her priorities straight, n'est-ce pas?

So, at the very last minute, on Christmas Eve, I finished my second Wing o' the Moth, or as it shall now be known: my Christmas shawl. Still feeling and looking sick enough that a fashion shoot is out of the question; instead, I dressed up the mantelpiece and asked Gigi and Ugo to help out by holding up the shawl.

I am now officially a Cracksilk addict. As fussy as it often is to knit with Kidsilk Haze, there's nothing quite like the lightness and softness and smoothness of it. With all their holes, my KSH shawls are the ones that keep me warmest.

So happy I got something done, because I've been very clumsy this past week: broke a glass, ruined a cake yesterday (the kind of ruined that requires throwing out the whole thing) and now I have to bake another one stat. Ben's mom and dad will be here in a few hours and I want to have at least something homemade.

A very merry Christmas to you all.

…and may all your knits be bright!


And a Merry Christmas to you as well!

Beautiful moth shawl and perfect Christmas coloring!

Wow... It is lovely.

I am so sorry to hear that you are not feeling better, but your knitting looks great. Hope the baking goes better today.

Happy Holiday's to you and your family. Hope that the next year will be a good one for you and your FO's. Thank you for all the wonderful post/information this past year and the knitbuddy friendship.

It's totally, completely, lovely. I adore silk mohair too-some people just don't have a light hand with it and they get frustrated. There's nothing like it, in my opinion.

Hope your cake came out and the day was fabulous!

Merry Christmas to you as well! Sure hope you are up to snuff soon!

That shawl looks just gorgeous! Merry Christmas to you, too, and I hope you're feeling better!

That's a lovely lovely red ... great for Christmas! :)
Merry Christmas to you and yours too.

What a nice way to celebrate Xmas when you are ill. Merry Christmas to you and congrats on a great finish!

Ooh! Breathtaking! Merry Christmas to you, also!

Beautiful! You've inspired me to get my own Wing O'the Moth back on track. Merry Days and stay well.

Happy Christmas! The shawl is simply stunning. Hope the replacement cake turned out well...

Ma che meraviglia...!

Soooo Pretty! I love the color you chose.

It's gorgeous! Happy Holidays!

What a beautiful Christmas Gift to yourself... just beautiful!

I hope that you're back to your old self soon and enjoy wearing your Wing o' the Moth for years to come!

Lo scialle e' bellissimo, nonché e' veramente natalizio! Spero stai gia' meglio. Ti auguro Buone Feste!

Merry Chrismas :)!!

It's beautiful Francesca!!

Beautiful shawl, congratulations.
I was going to comment on your previos post about the knitting related advantages of being down with a flu but then decided against it :).
Glad you are better. Happy Holidays!


lovely. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas!

so nice and the perfect color. hope you're feeling better.

Oooh, it's so beautiful! The red is so holiday-appropriate and cheerful! Hope you feel better soon!

Gorgeous. Amazing. Other superlatives.

That's lovely. Just the thing to have for Christmases to come! Get well soon, and enjoy the rest of Christmas week.

What a beauty! i see that nothing stops you. I you recover for new year's eve celebration!

I have been behind with my blog reading and missed this. It is fabu! Hope you are better. Happy New Year

Lovely! And how suitable to get a red one finished in time for Christmas!

Congratulations on such a beautiful shawl! Hope you are feeling better now.

Lovely! I'm sorry you had to get the flu to finish it though!