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Counting inches

The gray cashmere sweater is inching along.
148 rows = 10.5 inches

And while Ms. Cornflower color-coordinates her knitting with her reading, I coordinate my knitting with Pipie.

If I keep this up, I won't have to wait 'till Christmas 2009 to wear this sweater. On the other hand, everything else is on the back burner; who knows when Wing o' the moth #2 will get some action. And my mother has asked me for a shawl. And I planned to knit scarves for my nieces. And…

OK, I'm starting to stress. Time out. Knitting is about relaxing and I know some of you won't believe me, but the small gauge stockinette really works for me right now. It's smooth sailing, no worrying about missing a yarn over or inexplicably finding an extra stitch at some point. All I have to do is knit, knit, knit and purl, purl, purl, and press my chaka-chaka at the end of each row to keep track of increases and decrease every eight rows as I am doing a little bit of shaping.

I am in love with this yarn, even before washing. The cashmere comes still oiled and really blooms only after washing, but even oiled, the knitting is very pleasant. I think I'm going to become a big ColourMart fan.


Looks beautiful and I know that after washing it will be just outstanding . Isn't colourmart great ? And it is great for shawls too . How do I know ???? I am a fan too!LOL
All the best

I have some cashmere from Colourmart to knit into a scarf...one day! Your stitches look so perfect, neat and beautiful, I can understand the meditative quality of the fine stitches. Beautiful work!

that is gorgeous!

stockinette on small needles is soothing... almost meditative. revel in the simplicity!

I know what you mean...I just knit a pair of plain stockinette socks and was amazed at how fast they went and how pleasing the process was.

I think you're ready for a Bohus! Or some of the Falkenberg designs which do not have shaping.

Looks great!

I know what you mean about plain stockinette being nice and relaxing. However, I can't imagine knitting a whole sweater at a gauge of 10sts/inch. Wow! It's looking great.

I love Colormart, too. I've only made scarves, gloves, and mittens from their yarn so far. I really must try a cashmere sweater sometime.

Yes, still crazy, even after 10.5 inches. It looks nice and soothing. I still think you need to make a bathrobe with those 11x0 needles. Really soothing!

Looking good! I agree with you that sometimes, all you need is plain stockinette stitches and enjoy the simple knits.

Looks so beautiful and your stitches are so even! It's going to be heaven when washed.

It's going to be so worth it - no matter how long it takes!

I love the color gray. Love, love, love. And I agree that sometimes, all you want is a plain ol' stockinette and yours is so nice and even!

A few days ago I came across the Bohus website again and thought (again)that those designs are simply beautiful. But next you cant' stop asking yourself, who on earth, in the right mind, would embark into such a task.
This morning I read your post.
You can guess the rest. Your sweater is coming along great - and I'm going to get the Blue Shimmer :).

I am so impressed by how much you have done, and I love the colour. As to co-ordinating with one's pets - I'd only ever be able to make black things!

The drape is going to be delicious. And I agree completely about stockinette, but then I like to purl.

Just think, a dark sweater that won't show cat hair!

I love Colourmart, too. That is going to be one lovely sweater.

That's a wholelotta small stockinette! I'm glad you find it relaxing and I know it will be gorgeous and luscious.

Wow- it's looking so beautiful- already! I can only imagine how nice it must feel, too!

Pipie looks happy with your progress!

I think a portrait together is in order once you finish that beautiful sweater :)

Your making me want to visit colourmart and purchase cartfulls!


I have a cone of this. Not enough for a sweather, but I thought I might make some nice cashmere socks. I'm curious...why not in the round?

That's a beautiful sweater. I know about missed yarnovers and either missing stitches or extra stitches! LOL!

Hi Francesca,
just got some cashmere/silk dk weight from them (second lot :) and I was thinking to swatch a few patterns.
Did you wash your swatch? Did you notice any significant shrinkage?

thanks, best wishes, Silvia