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Fifty, but who's counting?

I had hoped to be sipping red or rosè wine in Lisbon on my 50th birthday (I can't believe I'm that old), but alas, work and life got in the way and the Portugal trip got scrapped. Then we thought we might be able to put together a one-week trip to the East Coast; that didn't happen either. In the end, I spent a relaxing day doing nothing out of the ordinary, but treating myself to little pleasures such as breakfast out, a more expensive bottle of wine than we usually get, a variety of good cheeses and olives, roasted tomatoes, a new mustard, some chocolate and, of course, gelato. Not a bad way to celebrate a birthday for someone who doesn't like crowds and finds planning a highly stressful activity.

On the knitting front, there's a new Wing o' the Moth on the needles. Ah yes, I am turning into a serial knitter.

Avevo sperato di passare il mio cinquantesimo compleanno sorseggiando vino rosso o rosè a Lisbona, ma il lavoro e la vita in generale si sono messi di mezzo e il viaggio in Portogallo è saltato. Poi abbiamo pensato di fare un salto sulla East Coast; anche quello non si è realizzato. Alla fine ho passato una giornata normale, ma viziandomi un po': colazione fuori, una bottiglia di vino speciale, una varietà di formaggi e olive, pomodori arrostiti, una senape nuova, un po' di cioccolata e, naturalmente, gelato. Non un brutto modo di festeggiare il compleanno per una persona che aborrisce le folle e lo stress della pianificazione.

Sul fronte della maglia, c'è un nuovo scialle sui ferri. Sto diventando una serial knitter.


But didn't you know!?! Fifty is Nifty!!!
Best Wishes!!!!

Happy Birthday, Francesca. May you have a long and happy life.

By the way, you don't look 50. 40, maybe but most likely, even younger than that.

Hmm, we'll need to stage an intervention soon ;-)

Happy 50th Birthday from a first time commenter. I found your blog recently (via Ravelry - what a great place). Sounds like you had a lovely day. I couldn't believe it when I turned 50 either. Looks like a great start on that shawl and I love the colour! Absolutely nothing wrong with being a serial knitter either!

happy birthday!
as for the knitting, who cares about serial knitting when you have such a gorgeous yarn?

Happy Birthday! I can't believe you're 50 either (I've seen your photo). (I'll be joining you there shortly). Your birthday "celebration" sounds perfect.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! This is a big one. I hope you're able to do something exciting, even if it's a little belated.

[raising a glass to you...]

I knew this was coming up but it slipped right on by--hope you had a lovely day and best wishes for a great year to follow.

Oh I was wondering about the trip.
Sorry to hear that it didn't work out. But sounds like you're having a good day.

Enjoy :)
You only turn 50 once. celebrate all year!

Happy Birthday!

Holy cow, I really did a double take when you said you were fifty. You seriously do not look a day over 35. I am not exaggerating at all.

On the plus side, you now get to imitate Molly Shannon on SNL screaming out: "I'm fifty! Fifty years old! And I love every minute of it!"

I firmly refuse to believe that's your real age! I mean, come on, you look at most 35! Don't even try to convince me it's true!
But Happy Birthday to you! :)

Happy Birthday! Sounds like an enjoyable day...travel later!

I would never have guessed 50! But then I can't believe I'm 51! It's the best decade!

Sounds like you celebrated in the best way - good food and good company. Glad you had a wonderful day!

oh, FIFTY is a GREAT age to be!
All the magic starts now....
that is a lovely color for the new shawl....

Gorgeous, talented and stylish and I'll bet you're a lovely person too. Happy Birthday. I turned 50 this year too.

happy, happy! i hope you had a great birthday :)

hope you had a tremendously great birthday! ;) tantiii auguriiii a teeeeee.....

May you be very happy!

It was so interesting thing to talk about colors.(I seemed to miss a chance to leave my comment on your last post.)
You alway choose the colors which match you nicely. I have several favorite colors but I know the favorite colors don't always match me wonderfully. A yarn owner once told me that choosing colors are the most hard step for knitting.
At the first, what is the most important factors when you pick up yarns for your project?

I would like to learn colors from people actually.

Thank you.

Francesca, you look like 40! Congratulations once more!

Happy Birthday!

I thought you were *maybe* 33, but no more. Wow. This doesn't compute.

Joyeux Anniversaire , Francesca !
Danièle (56 , VBG)

Happy birthday!! Sounds like a perfect day. I had to laugh when I read about "planning as a highly stressful activity" - I'm exactly the same (and a bit ashamed of it I'm afraid) - what a relief to realise there are others! Are you going to share your secret about how to (almost) look half your age? I too thought you were in your early or mid thirties.

Tantissimi auguroni di buon compleanno, Francesca!
Ho letto due volte quello che hai scritto perché non ho creduto ai miei occhi per quanto riguarda il numero. Puoi negare almeno 15 anni di sicuro. Tra 11 anni anch'io voglio stare così :-)

Happy birthday! May you live so many of these years among mohair skeins... (anything more delicious??). Serial knitter: you are in good company.

Happy Birthday! Wings looks like delicious red wine. What a lovely color!

50? really? i can't believe it!

happy belated birthday - it sounds like a good one to me.

Happy 50th! lol I thought you were a graduate student!

Auguri Francesca, MA..
Io non ci credo che tu abbia 50 anni! Io, dalle immagini viste dal blog, te ne davo 34! Chiara

happy birthday! i think low-key birthdays are the best :) here's to many more!

Happy Birthday, Francesca. May this be the best year yet!

Happy Birthday to you...

Happy Birthday to you...

Happy Birthday dear Francesca...

Happy Birthday to you...

That sounds like a wonderful day! I adore the colour of the new wing o'moth...is this going to be the red year?

Happy Birthday! But 50?? I'd have guessed 30's, maybe 40.
The 50's are the best. I've found that my mouth opens up and I say stuff I never would have said when I was younger. And nobody is too shocked, except maybe me. It's like, "did I really say that out loud?"
The red moth will be perfect.

Happy belated birthday--and I would NEVER have guessed! :-)

I knit the Moth last year, and it's my favorite shawl ever. So beautiful, so perfectly named. I hope to do at least one more myself--it's worth serial-knitting. :-)

Happy (belated) Birthday!! may your year be filled with innumerable little pleasures.

you've been sailing along at such speed on all these beautiful lace knits!

Happy Birthday! I must say, you shocked me when you said you were 50, you look nowhere near there! Your WOTM looks wonderful so far!

Happy Birthday! Sounds just perfect!

Happy Birthday! Sounds like you found the perfect way to celebrate. :)

Happiest of birthdays to you! mmmm...olives, my favorite.

Happy belated birthday Francesca! Of course, you are not old!! 50 is the new 40 hey?

Happy Birthday!!!!!

happy birthday. been there.

YOU'RE FIFTY?! I thought you were --maybe-- early 30's, like 32 max!!!

1. Happy Birthday!

2. What's your secret? (Please tell me it doesn't involve any eye of newt because newts are so cute!)

3. Love that red color on your new WotM--guess we should have sensed a color shock on the horizon after the "Picasso's blue period" post ;P

50? Really? We should all look so gorgeous at 50! I'm sorry you didn't get to go to Portugal but really I had to laugh when read about your scrapped trip. My husband and I have tried to go to Lisbon twice and have had the airline cancel our flights both times. It's become a mythical place for me now. But maybe next year, for my husband's 50th?

Happy, happy birthday Francesca!!(and how did I miss seeing this post on time?)
All good wishes to you!

Happy, happy Birthday!
What's the recipe of turning 50 and looking 35 :) anyway? You should share it.

best wishes, Silvia

I hope it was happy, it certainly sounds it :)

Happy belated 50th!

Happy Birthday! They may not end up how we plan, but they are usually still just as good :-)

happy birthday! it sounds like a lovely day

I hope you had the best of birthdays!!

Happy belated birthday! Parabens!

A belated birthday from a lurker, and hey, this gives you a year to plan a splendid trip to Portugal!

Happy birthday! I hope you had a great day!

Sorry to hear that the plans for Portugal got put on hold. Maybe you should come to Japan? I can take care of the planning for you :-)

Wow, I can time it. You're 50 and there are 50 comments ahead of me!

The "0" birthdays are so cool. You get an entire new decade to use in fresh and unique ways.

I hope that yours was a happy birthday and that there are many more.

Happy belated birthday!!! Honestly, from your pictures you look 30! Here's to another great year!

Happy Birthday...I found being fifty a toughy but fifty one is worse! hah! Love your blog!

Belated happy birthday!

Happy birthday! Gratulere med dagen! (in Norwegian) hope you had a nice day!

Oh! I missed this post! Belated Happy Birthday! 50, you say? You had me fooled, I thought you were in your 30s, and therefore younger than my 47 years! I hope you had a really pleasant day.