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Things to do when you turn one

Rent a couple of cottages at Camp Pendleton.

Get all your buddies to come and bring presents.

Get at least one set of grandparents to fly in.

Get at least one of daddy's brothers (that would be Ben) to join the festivities.

Fill the beach with good looking marines in trunks and wetsuits (gotta keep the girls distracted from those birthday presents).

Get your best buddy to do an Elton impersonation.

Line up all the seagulls (sorry, no pics).

Check the birthday cake for… hmmm… what are we checking for?

Never mind, it's just fun to beat the blue cake to a pulp.

Make sure you try all the colors.

Tell daddy we should do this every weekend.

Organize a schooner battle reenactment just in front of your cottage.

And if you get lucky, there will be unscheduled entertainment. Everybody loved this seagull's demonstration of foraging skills. After prolonged reconnaissance work while Jon was tending the barbecue, it took the first opportunity to dive onto the barbecue, snatch a fat chicken & apple sausage and get away before anybody could grab a camera.

Who knew that seagulls liked flavored sausage?


Not me!

Looks like a wonderful time!

Haha! Those seagulls are fast. Your kid is too cute and I had no idea you could rent cottages at Camp Pendleton. Very cool. Thanks for the sharing

Cute nephew! That seagull had very refined taste.

I'd like to point out that this seagull knew the barbecue was hot, swooped in, hovered three inches over the coals trying to get the sausage, and when we turned and shouted he dropped down and stood on the grill so he could grab the sausage and jump back into the air before we got to him!

This bird has obviously refined this skill over countless barbecues, and I fear that he is well nourished and breeding the next generation of thieving dinner pirates.

By the way, today is Talk Like A Pirate Day. Arrr.

What a fun birthday! (I love Elton! hehe)

Seagulls eat everything; they're "rats with wings"! I love them just the same.

What a wonderful post! It brings back memories of staying in identical military concrete block beach cottages at Bellows beach in Hawaii with my Dad. What more would anyone want? Such simple bliss, playing in the sea, or watching the sun set.

Oh, and World's Cutest Baby is adorable in pics. Thanks. Although I was surprised at the restrained nature of toddler birthday cake eating, which usually ends up in full-face-paint mode pretty quickly. Such manners!