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Sock Design

If only I hadn't been awake all night on Saturday, Sunday I would have been able to make the most of the sock design workshops with Cookie. As it happened, fog hit my brain around 2PM and it was all downhill from there. I just hope Cookie didn't think I was bored. Still, I'm very happy that I went and I took notes and managed to have fun through most of it.

The morning workshop was about taking existing patterns and adapting them to designing top-down socks (some basic math involved, but mostly a matter of common sense). The afternoon workshop was about the pros and cons of different sock styles and details, in order to make the appropriate choices during the design process. I was still mostly awake (the all-nighter came after ten days of poor sleeping) when I saw a square root on the white board and lost whatever little focus I had left.

Towards the end we also talked a little about charting and converting written instructions to charts. If you are interested in understanding sock structure and design, I recommend Cookie's workshops. It's too bad that I couldn't be my usual alert self, but that was nobody's fault.

I brought my German Stocking WIP to class to get some advice on measurements and sizing. It' is now obvious that my stocking is too big and I have to rip and start over; not a prospect I really care for. I am also not so sure I want to knit knee-high stockings at this point. LA temperatures may have something to do with it. Maybe the stocking will join the list of UFOs and I'll work on designing my first socks instead. How about that? I think I've been bitten by the design bug.


The workshop sounds fabulous! I wish I could attend, but, alas, being on the wrong continent this time makes it a bit difficult.

First of all, I don't know how you're holding up in that cauldron that SoCal has become! It's 23 C here today and I'm not doing well! No wonder you don't feel like knitting a wool knee-sock.

Sock design...that sounds fun. I'm sure you'll come up with something lovely!

Why would anyone want to change written instructions to charts ;-) For every Fair Isle I do, 3% of my time is taken up changing charts to written instructions.

Design? Go for it! You'll enjoy it, I'm sure...especially once the fog and heat lifts. ;-)

A workshop with Cookie sounds delightful, I wish she would do something like that out on the East Coast.

Now that is a workshop I would attend.
Can you tell me what the yarn is in the hank that is on the right of the 2 hanks? Get rest before you feel like responding...thanks

I heard about these workshops, but I couldn't make it this time around. Maybe next time. Design away!

Sounds like a wonderful workshop (mind you, the square root sign would've finished me off even if I was fully rested and alert!) Looking forward to seeing Fluffbuff sock desgins...

So sad that the sandman forgot to fly by your house. It looks like an amazingly cool workshop though.

I can not wait to see your socks!!

First sock design will be a freeform cable of a square root, dedicated to Cookie?

Eager to see what your interesting mind concocts. Holler/email if you need to bounce ideas around.