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Out of the closet

Back in the early days of web development — we are talking Netscape 1.1, kids — I used to stay up until the wee hours trying to come up with creative ways to make browsers do things they weren't supposed to do. And then I would lie awake in bed thinking about the code.

Now, the end of the day is all about knitting. I knit a little, check my blog and Ravelry messages, surf for yarns and knitting related information, then I go to bed and toss and turn thinking about knitting patterns and stitches and techniques and yarns…

The past few days I've been thinking about designing my own patterns. For one thing, several people on Ravelry have asked me if I am going to publish the pattern for my Celtic Tunic, a sweater I made a few years back.

I thought: sure, why not? But the truth is, I didn't make any notes while I was knitting it and I would have to knit a new sweater to figure everything out. I am not discounting the possibility, yet, so if you are interested, there is still hope. :)

Before writing a pattern for it (heck, where do I start?), I also would want to fix an issue that didn't bother me at the time, but does now. The point where the front pattern joins the 2/2 rib is sloppy; two of the cable ends don't join the rib perfectly.

Aside from this sweater, I have ideas for other sweaters and a few ideas for stitch patterns and maybe a shawl. So many ideas, so little time…

In the meantime, I decided it was time to clean my craft closet enough that I can actually find my stuff in there, so I went to the Container Store and bought a few boxes. Here they are; the top shelf looks good and the second one is getting there. I'll spare you the unsightly bottom shelves.

I ended up throwing out a bunch of stuff that had been cluttering my closet with no hope of ever being used. I am also considering destashing my spinning fiber since I haven't been spinning in a long time. I am a mono-crafter and never seem able to hold two hobbies at the same time, although I've gone through several fiber related crafts over the years. I try them out and sometime hold them for quite a while (I was a spinner for about four years), but knitting is the only one I keep going back to.

Tomorrow is sock design day and I am looking forward to it. I had gotten the date of the workshops with Cookie A. wrong and thought it was last Sunday. Now I'm sorry that I didn't sign up for the Toe Up workshop as well. I guess I'll have to pick up that technique some other time.


This sweater is so beautiful that you really should write up the pattern ... maybe submit it to a magazine, online or published. I know that involves a lot more work than I can ever imagine ... but really, it is such a beautiful pattern.

I do hope that you begin to design/write up your designs. Your knitting is amazing, and inspiring. I too am solely a mono-crafter. Am contemplating selling my wheel, but can't quite bring myself to do it.

that sweater is beautiful...i want the pattern and i don't even knit, but my mother does..... heh heh.

It's so pretty and I do hope you find the time to write up the pattern!

Besides knitting, the only other craft that has held my attention was sewing. I don't do that any more because you can't get even a third of the fabrics that are available readily in Singapore.

Wow! Somehome I missed seeing your Celtic Tunic before this...it's gorgeous!
Toe-Ups...I'll show you how. They are so much fun!

This Tunic is so nice! I seem to miss it. If it were possible, I really would like to make it... However, we all have got good news that you've been thinking about writing patterns!
I'm really mono-crafter too. I used to lose myself in quilting for three years and in sewing, embroidering...

Yes, please write up the pattern! It's beautiful. And if you're looking for a good home for fiber, let's talk. ;-)

When I started knitting I did not realize so much of my time would be spent THINKING about it, not just knitting.

Glad to know there are other people like me.

Do it! Your work and ideas are beautiful - it may be a little bit of work but! will be well loved! You can do it!

Beyond charming! Hmm. Guess a need a new adjective. Fleemmish!

I don't like writing up patterns either, so don't feel too guilty. A little guilty maybe, because there are lots of folks out there with sweater envy the YOU created :)