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Twist + Lace

The short-row scarf is finished. The truth is, I ran out of yarn and my skein was the last one in this color when I went to Purl Soho. I know, what was I thinking? So this is the shortest short-row scarf you'll probably ever see.

I intercepted Ben on his way to the shower, still half asleep, and recruited him to take some pictures. His hands turned out to be just as unsteady as mine. He says the pics are blurry 'cuz his eyes were blurry.

Pattern: "Twist and Lace" by Brenda Patipa
Yarn: Jade Sapphire 2-ply cashmere, color Silver Pearl (I'm going by memory here so I may be wrong)
Yardage: 400 yds minus a few swatches

After I washed it, I shaped it like this to squeeze out excess water.

Then laid it to dry in a sort of spiral still in double layer because it seemed the best way to preserve the shape.

Two FOs in a week. I'm making progress. :)


It looks almost like a fichu. That's really pretty. There's just something nice about short-row scarves and ruffled scarves, IMHO.

It may be a short version -- but I love it!

That's the cutest thing ever! I think it doest need too be any longer.

i love how it looks all rolled up - like some ruffled collar in elizabethan times.

and look at you!! francesca, you look so great ~ your hard work is totally paying off, go you. you look teeny teeny!

I've finally caught up with you! Good luck with all the taxes and I loved the pictures of your boys.

The Habu Stole is gorgeous. It turned out so nicely and I have to tell you I was not a perfectionist when I blocked Branching Out.

That Joanne is very nice! And she's an Avalanche fan to boot! Your Q swatches are to die for. Twist and Lace is gorgeous and I wish I looked as nice as you during the day, let alone when I just woke up.

OMG Francesca... your scarf looks fantastic but so do you!

Hot! Hot! Hot!

What a delightful pattern! Well done, lady!

I think your scarf is the perfect length for the delicate features and yarn.

Brioche and Fisherman's rib are pretty similar, and both grow slowly. The "mock" brioche doesn't knit into the stitch below, so it is faster while still looking somewhat the same.

Thanks for the comment on my blog! I'm trying to post more frequently.

Very, Very Pretty! I agree with all above that it doesn't need to be longer, it's short and sweet.

I like this! Mmm ... I should get the pattern myself! Lovely job!

I like it that length, wouldn't want it longer. Flirty! Thanks for the blocking photos.

that is super cute! and cashmere ... drool ...

Catching up on a day or two's posts - what a beautiful scarf! Perfection!

Your Twist & Lace is beautiful! Nice work. I am thinking of making one myself.

carissima Francesca,
leggo da un po' il tuo blog, dire che e' bello e' poco ^__- i tuoi lavori sono interessanti per non ripetere che sono belli.
Mi chiamo Loredana, ho 37/8 anni, vivo Upstate NY o meglio in the middle of nowhere dal 2001 e sferruzzo da quando ero adolescente. Ho smesso durante l'universita' poi il lavoro etc etc. Ho ricominciato mentre ero incinta di mia figlia Emma che ora ha 3 anni, da li non mi sono piu' fermata. Qui negli usa ho trovato cosi tante risorse, informazioni e materiale da far girar la testa...
Ho iniziato un blog ma, non ho mai il tempo di scriverci sopra, forse e' piu' bello leggere quelli delle altre.
Pian piano anche in italia sta cominciando a muoversi qualcosa hanno cominciato un SnB a Milano






spero di non averti disturbato e che il mio scriverti in italiano sia OK.

se preferisci l'inglese mi cimentero', per me e' facile leggerlo ma scrivere mi ruba tanto tempo.
