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Pine needles and stuff

A bad couple of weeks. Just to mention a few things:
— Chemically induced headaches, unfortunately not of the recreational variety. No booze involved, but rather an unfortunate exposure to industrial resins and paints used in the car model industry.
— A small car accident. No physical injuries, but plenty of stuff to deal with.
— A major plumbing emergency, now barely under control.
— More exposure to chemical agents because of the need to disinfect part of the house after the plumbing spillage.
— Plenty of work-related stress.
— A mammogram (that's always fun).
— Little or no sleep.
The result is that I am a wreck and in a rather foul mood.

There was a highlight to this week, though. At yesterday's guild meeting, I took a pine needle basketry workshop and had a very good time. The workshop was taught by Nadine Spier. I snapped a couple of photos, but they came out pretty bad. More pictures on Jason's blog.

Nadine Spier's pine needle baskets

And this is what I got done at the workshop. Once it's finished, it'll still be tiny. Loos like everything I make lately is small.

Pine needle basketry is slow work, but considering that I am knitting lace on 2mm needles (US #0), it seems right up my alley.

Talking of which, after a small hiatus because of the neck injury, I started knitting again and averaging one repeat per night so I am now at 27 out of 30 repeats. Now that I have most of the body done, I am really concerned about the length. Even though blocking will increase the scarf's size, I am thinking of adding a few repeats. Before I commit to that, I should probably read the instructions for the border around the scarf to see how the multiples of the border relate to those of the pattern repeats in the body.

That's is for today. Send good vibes my way 'cuz if I don't get some good sleep soon, I'll turn into a Tasmanian devil.


your scarf is looking so beautiful! good to hear that your neck is feeling better. and the stone in the bottom of your basket looks so pretty with the needles... it will be fun to see it when you are done. sorry to hear about all that other. THAT doesn't sound fun at all...

Francesca, I hope you get plenty of chances to relax and take refuge in your beautiful work! Sending you good vibes, deep breaths, and wishes for lots of sleep.

I'm glad that you were not seriously hurt. I hope you feel better soon. The scarf looks great.

The stone in your basket pulls out the colors in your basket. It's stunning. Your lace scarf is gorgeous as well.

I'm sorry you're having a rough couple of weeks. I'm grateful there were no injuries in your accident. I hope your mamo came back with good results.

Don't go anywhere near black pepper for awhile, eh. *wink*

Love your pictures! I miss everyone! I'm marooned in LA not feeling well myself. Love your basket! Trish

Consider good vibes sent. Hope you feel better soon.

Hope this week is a good one for you, Francesca.

Wow, I had no idea that you'd gone through all that when I saw you at the meeting. I hope the bad karma is over and things will only go up from here. Hope you do get some sleep soon and feel better!

Your basket is looking so beautiful. And I love the stone you picked. (I am just kicking myself for not taking that class.) That scarf, WOW! Please bring it next time. It's gorgeous!

You deserve some time off with your Habu shawl. Is it a kit? It's lovely. I've become quite enamored of Habu lately.

I'm sorry to hear about all of your challenges! All of these pictures are lovely though; the scarf is looking fantastic!

Certainly some good vibes, warm milk, and a hug being sent your way.

Hope you finally get some rest and know we all are thinking about you. I am thankful you were ok from the wreck.

Your scraf is going to be amazing. I love the yellow yarn

Someone told me about your blog since I'm trying to learn to knit from Japanese patterns. I'm enjoying my visit and will be back often.

I hope that you'll be feeling better soon. Take care and get some sleep! I believe that it's the best medicine.

Francesca ché scialle bello! Amo la vostra scelta del cachemire di Habu!
And I also love your blog thank you so much for those great tips and snaps of Japanese magazines =)