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Holiday Open House

The weekend started off in the worst possible way with me getting a virulent case of food poisoning Friday evening, being up sick all Friday night and being a useless vegetable all day Saturday. In spite of everything I decided not to call off our holiday open house today and I am glad I did because today I was fine. The only problem is that I only had this morning to prepare everything before friends started to show up around 2 pm.

By the time I was done shopping, it was already noon and I had less than two hours to cook something. I made industrial quantities of my chunky rustic tomato soup while setting up the cold dishes in the dining room and kitchen. As I was wrestling the tomatoes, trying to pass them through a veggy mill directly into one of my big pots, a piece of the mill snapped out of place and tomatos went flying everywhere. Some big chunks landed on my head and I had to take a second, unscheduled shower. Fortunately, people were fashionably late and by the time the first guests arrived everything looked under control. There's still some tomato splatter I couldn't get to on one wall, close to the ceiling, but I'll deal with that tomorrow.

The open house worked out really well with people showing up and leaving at diferent times but with enough overlap for most of them to meet everybody else.

Kelvin got to hang out with the guys — he loves that — and then managed to steal an entire filet of smoked trout.

Our friend Chris with Kelvin

Thank you to all who came. We missed those who couldn't; we hope to see you soon.


I LOVED being at your party today. Kelvin has good taste... that trout was yummy!

Thank you SO much for your hospitality.

Oh dear, too much "drama" but I'm glad you're feeling better and it looks like Kelvin has been forgiven for his indiscretions.

oh a holiday open house! and your delicious soup also? the things i miss being in maryland, sigh.

that kelvino - a whole fillet!!


i had trout this weekend too! kelvin is no dummy...

That Kelvin seems to get into a little trouble every now and then. I had a dog eat a plate of shortbread cookies once. ONCE. He was so sick he never tried it again. I'm glad trout is healthy and Kelvin looks a little replete, eh?

I'm not laughing at your tomato preparation mishap. Nothing like that has EVER happened to me. Really, I'm not.

Glad you're feeling better.

Poor you.. hope you feel better.
When you are fully recovered, you can try the Japanese/French restaurant I mentioned on my blog ;). It's called Maison Akira. The chef trained in France. It's a good place for a special occasion. Lovely lamb roast, gratin dauphinois, sushis, salads. The dessert is even better! mini French cakes/tarts.. It was really delicious and friendly service

Sorry I had to miss all the fun. Zora and I both are sick, but we still got a cute picture of her with Santa in the dress her grandmother knit.