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Quarter anniversary

Fluffbuff is three-month old. Who would have thought when I started this blog just so I could take part in Secret Pal 8 that it would become so much fun? The best part for me has been connecting with people with similar interests all over the place. It feels like an extension of my local group of friends (my spinning guild) but for all sorts of things, not just crafts. And the other great thing has been reconnecting with a long lost friend in Italy. If it hadn't been for this blog, I doubt we'd be in almost daily contact now.

So, happy quarter anniversary! No, I refuse to say 3-month anniversary; that's just wrong. I didn't study Latin for six years for nothing, right? Hm, now that I think of it, I really can't remember much of all that study. Bit of a waste, I guess. Anyway, I was already feeling in a celebratory mood and then, after breakfast, I emptied the sink drainer (yup, not everybody in California has a food grinder) and looky what I got… a little tea garland with a leftover from last night's salad in the shape of a heart. It does look like a tiny garland or a nest, doesn't it?