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and my camera died

In the past few hours I've had to deal with a neverending job, another trip to the vet and the death of my Nikon Coolpix 5700. Enough I say. At least Kelvin seems okay, although we'll have to wait until Monday to find out about the results of his blood test. He had to be rechecked for elevated levels of liver enzymes.

I tried to take a pictures of the two fuzzballs earlier and everything came out almost white with horizontal stripes. After some looking around on the Web, I think it's a CCD manufacturing defect and I'll have to ship the camera to a Nikon service center and hope for the best. This means no camera for possibly weeks. Aaaarrggghhhh!


It's hard when things happen to kids and pets as they can't tell us what's wrong. Hope you and Kelvin are OK.